Raman Spectroscopy of nanomaterials - institut de chimie et des ...

Raman Spectroscopy of nanomaterials - institut de chimie et des ...

Raman Spectroscopy of nanomaterials - institut de chimie et des ...


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ARTICLE IN PRESSG. Goua<strong>de</strong>c, Ph. Colomban / Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization <strong>of</strong> Materialsxx (2007) 1e56In an isotropic material un<strong>de</strong>r hydrostatic compression:P h ¼ dVV 0¼ 33 l+ MODEL35ð46ÞThe combination <strong>of</strong> Eqs. (41), (45) and (46) then leads to:g ¼ a þ r þ 3ð47Þ6The Grüneisen param<strong>et</strong>er thus becomes a direct characteristic <strong>of</strong> the interatomic potentials(param<strong>et</strong>ers a and r were introduced in Eq. (39)).5.1.3. <strong>Raman</strong> <strong>Spectroscopy</strong> <strong>of</strong> single crystals un<strong>de</strong>r general stressIf a <strong>de</strong>formation is applied to a single crystal, the vibrational mo<strong>de</strong> in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce is lostand phononephonon couplings occur [434]. The fundamental equation <strong>of</strong> Dynamics thenbecomes:m v2 r ivt 2 ¼¼X jlm2vk ijv3 lm3 lm r j ¼64k ii r i þ X jlmjsiX jlmK ijlm r j375;K ijlm r j8>:i; j; l; m ¼ x; y or zr i ¼ component <strong>of</strong> normal coordinater in direction im ¼ reduced massThe wavenumber shifts can then be directly linked to any macroscopic stress/strain via theelastic compliance tensor 28 and the K ijlm coefficients that <strong>de</strong>scribe the strain-induced <strong>de</strong>formation<strong>of</strong> the bonding potentials, in other words: anharmonicity [434]. Few <strong>of</strong> these coefficientsare in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt in high-symm<strong>et</strong>ry crystals (see [435] in cubic crystals or [436,437] for hexagonalcorundum). The mathematical expressions for the stress <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>ncy <strong>of</strong> optical mo<strong>de</strong>sin cubic crystals can be <strong>de</strong>rived for given crystallographic directions [89,434] and planes[438e442] 29 . Ager and Drory [440] reported less than 15% disagreement b<strong>et</strong>ween the biaxialresidual stress measured by RS in a diamond film (<strong>de</strong>posited on a titanium alloy) using linearcombination <strong>of</strong> uniaxial stresses perpendicular to the growth direction, and the theor<strong>et</strong>ical valueexpected from elasticity theory. The same kinds <strong>of</strong> measurements are common for semiconductors[443,444].5.1.4. The case <strong>of</strong> non-crystalline materialsIn polycrystalline or amorphous materials, the tensor formalism is irrelevant (stress directionsare unknown). We must therefore adopt a ‘‘statistical’’ approach. L<strong>et</strong> q b be the initial angleb<strong>et</strong>ween a bond and the solicitation axis in a material macroscopically strained to D3 % M . The28 Compliance terms S ij are <strong>de</strong>fined according <strong>of</strong> Voigt’s notation by 3 i ¼ S ij s j (3 ¼ strain; s ¼ stress; i ¼ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6 correspond to directions xx, yy, zz, yz, xz and xy, respectively, with 3 4 ¼ 2 3 yz , 3 5 ¼ 2 3 xz and 3 6 ¼ 2 3 xy ).29 Some errors in formulas from Ager <strong>et</strong> al. [440] and Cheong <strong>et</strong> al. [441] were listed in Ref. [378].Please cite this article in press as: G. Goua<strong>de</strong>c, Ph. Colomban, Prog. Cryst. Growth Charact. Mater. (2007),doi:10.1016/j.pcrysgrow.2007.01.001

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