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PDF Document 2.46 MB - Geveko

PDF Document 2.46 MB - Geveko


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Road Marking business area / Magyar PlastirouteMagyar PlastirouteNew traffic engineering productsboost competitive positionHead office: Budapest, HungaryMD: Sándor PálTurnover 2007: SKr 112(173) millionNumber of employees: 65 (66)Products: Contract road-markingservices, manufacture and installationof vertical signs, traffic diversionservice, and winter road maintenance.Markets: HungaryNature of businessMagyar Plastiroute, which has itshead office in Budapest and severalsubsidiaries in Hungary, was set upin 1990 as a joint venture betweenthe Hungarian road authority andPlastiroute, a subsidiary of <strong>Geveko</strong>.<strong>Geveko</strong> has owned 50% since thecompany was established, and itacquired the Hungarian road authority’s28% interest in 2007. MagyarPlastiroute has formally become asubsidiary of the <strong>Geveko</strong> Group in2008.Magyar Plastiroute providescontract road-marking services andwinter road maintenance on motorwaysand public highways inHungary. Winter road maintenancealso includes the sale of road salt.Magyar Plastiroute makes considerableuse of environmentally friendlyroad-marking products for its roadmarkingservices and manufactureswater-based road-marking paintsunder licence from Plastiroute inGermany.The business also includes themanufacture and erection of trafficdirection markings and signboards.The traffic engineering segment alsoincludes various types of reflectors,“cats-eyes” for lane separation,barriers to separate slip roads frommotorways, protective railings, portalsfor signs, crash barriers to protectcontractors’ vehicles. Magyar Plasti -route has become a retailer for a newproduct area, namely electronic trafficsurveillance systems, such asadjustable messaging signs. More ofthese products are steadily beinglaunched on the Hungarian market.MarketsMagyar Plastiroute is market leaderin its field, and retained its marketposition in 2007. Major infrastructuralinvestments have been carried out inHungary since it joined the EU.Magyar Plastiroute makes considerable use of environmentally friendly road markingproducts and systems, such as water-based road-marking paints.26

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