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PDF Document 2.46 MB - Geveko

PDF Document 2.46 MB - Geveko


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Members of the Board and auditorsDeputy memberHonorary chairman AuditorsBROR FRID, born 1957Authorised public accountant,ÖhrlingsPricewaterhouse-Coopers ABAppointed deputy auditor 2006.Auditor 2007.Other audit appointments:Broström AB, Gunnebo AB,Gunnebo Industrier AB,KappAhl Holding AB and VGBGroup AB.ÅsaSöderström JerringLarsLewerthLARS LEWERTH, born 1934LawyerElected as deputy member of theBoard 1979.EducationBachelor of LawShares in <strong>Geveko</strong>: 42,131JarlErgelJARL ERGEL, born 1924Member of the Board 1965-2000Chairman of the Board 1991-2000Honorary chairman 2000Shares in <strong>Geveko</strong>: 100,012BIRGITTA GRANQUIST,born 1964Authorised public accountant,ÖhrlingsPricewaterhouse-Coopers ABAppointed deputy auditor 2004.Auditor 2006.Other audit appointments:Broström AB, Vitrolife AB andsupervisory auditor for audit ofthe parent company and Groupcoordination of Gunnebo AB.SörenSjölanderÅSA SÖDERSTRÖMJERRING, born 1957Elected to the board 2006Other board appointmentsChairman: Infotain & InfobooksAB. Member: JM AB, Rejlers AB,ELU Konsult AB and Geosigma AB.Other appointments: Chairman ofthe Swedish Construction ClientsForum, FIA, (Renewal in Buildingand Construction sector) andCERBOF, the Centre for Energyand Resource Efficient Con struc -tion and Faci li ties Manage ment.EducationGraduate economistShares in <strong>Geveko</strong>: 0SÖREN SJÖLANDER, born 1950Professor, Chalmers Institute ofTechnologyElected to the Board 1994Other board appointmentsMember: Arboritec AB, IcomeraAB and AB Chalmersinvest etc.<strong>Geveko</strong> CommitteesAudit Committee andNomination Committee.EducationGraduate Engineer, GraduateEconomist, Ph. D. in engineering,Assistant Professor.Shares in <strong>Geveko</strong>: 220CommitteesNomination CommitteeSigurd Walldal, chairman, David Bergendahl and Sören Sjölander.Remuneration Committee(for contract and salary issues relating to the Managing Director and variablepay schemes for senior management personnel)Ove Mattsson, Tomas Landeström and Klas Dunberger.Audit Committee(for day-to-day contacts with <strong>Geveko</strong>’s auditors)Helena Levander and Sören Sjölander.Deputy auditorsJOHAN RIPPE, born 1968Authorised public accountant,ÖhrlingsPricewaterhouse-Coopers ABAppointed as deputy auditor 2007.Other audit appointments:West Siberian Resources Ltd,Tehtys Oil AB, AcadeMedia ABand supervisory auditor for theAB Volvo Group, Volvo TreasuryAB, Volvo Financial Services andVolvo Penta.HELEN OLSSONSVÄRDSTRÖM, born 1962Authorised public accountant,ÖhrlingsPricewaterhouse-Coopers ABAppointed as deputy auditor 2007.Other audit appointments:Rederi AB Transatlantic, ABTingstad Papper, NordicManagement of Clinical TrialsAB, Logistik Resturanger AB andsupervisory auditor for the parentcompany and Group coordinationof Investment AB Latour.83

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