PDF Document 2.46 MB - Geveko

PDF Document 2.46 MB - Geveko

PDF Document 2.46 MB - Geveko


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Road Marking business area / Products and product developmentSerious accidents that occur at road work zones are attracting increasing attention in Europe. <strong>Geveko</strong> has developed its Safer@work systemto provide active protection for increased safety for road workers.ITS – Intelligent Transport Systems – a way to improve road safetyThe EU countries face serious challengeswhen it comes to creating asafe, environmentally friendly andcost-effective transport system thatis pan-European in scope. Despiteconsiderable improvements in theroad infrastructure and the developmentof safer vehicles, around 40,000people die on the roads every year inEurope.IntelligentTransport Systems – EuropeThe enlargement of the EU, in -creased goods traffic and passengertransport as well as the decision toimplement the extension of theEuropean transport network haveresulted in a review of Europeantransport policy. The updated version“Sustainable transport for Europe onthe Move” emphasises, in particular,the need for development and cooperationwithin the ITS area. Severalcompanies in the member stateshave long been actively engaged inroad safety-related technical developmentwithout recognising theadvantages of co-ordinating projectsin order to achieve the common goalof reducing the number of trafficfatalities.Ertico-ITS Europe is an EUorgan that was set up on the initiativeof the EU together with the Trans -port Ministers from most countries.Ertico’s goal is to increase road safety,create environmentally friendly andeffective transport through nationaland international cooperation for thedevelopment of intelligent vehiclesand vehicle-infrastructure communication.Ertico’s members are authoritiesat local, regional and national level,the vehicle industry, electronicsbasedindustries, and IT and communicationenterprises, as well asuniversities, industrial organisationsand research institutes.Numerous ITS-related projectsare underway within Ertico, includingroad based and vehicle basedproducts and systems, including theCVIS (Cooperative Vehicle Infra -structure Systems) R&D projectwhose role is to evaluate differenttechniques that will make possiblevehicle-to-vehicle communicationand vehicle to infrastructure communication.The CVIS project is part of theEU’s sixth framework programme,which is intended to stimulateresearch and development in themember states, thereby providing afoundation for a high level of internationalcompetitiveness in the fieldof intelligent vehicles/systems.The seventh framework programmebegan in 2007. This programme,which includes the “Easy -way” project, is intended to lead to asingle plan for the development andimplementation of ITS in Europe.Road organisations in several membercountries will be taking part in theproject. By 2020 the results of thecompleted “Easyway” project willmean greater mobility, a 10% reductionin carbon dioxide emissions on36

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