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(submission 754 page 50).The Broome and Derby Working Groups submitted,We believe that those who have suffered are entitled to monetary compensation and to someform of restitution for what they have lost and that the Government and other institutionsresponsible for formulating and implementing these policies and practices should assist in therehabilitation of individuals and families who have suffered the ongoing effects of thesepolicies and practices (submission 518 page 2).In its 1994 report on the High Arctic Relocation of 1953-55, the Canadian RoyalCommission on Aboriginal Peoples proposed a package of reparations along similarlines. It recommended that the Canadian Government ‘should acknowledge thewrongs done to the Inuit and apologize to the relocatees’, should fund additionalservices to assist the readjustment of ‘returnees’ and all others still adverselyaffected, and should make ‘provisions for returning, including re-establishment in thehome community’ and should pay monetary compensation for the effects ofrelocation (pages 163-164).Reparations should be material, in-kind and non-material and should include, but notbe confined to, monetary compensation. In this Part we make recommendationsrelating to acknowledgment and apology, guarantees against repetition, somemeasures of restitution and monetary compensation. In Part 5 we make furtherrecommendations which are restitutive in nature and a number of recommendationswhich are rehabilitative in nature.Components of reparationRecommendation 3: That, for the purposes of responding to the effects of forcibleremovals, ‘compensation’ be widely defined to mean ‘reparation’; that reparationbe made in recognition of the history of gross violations of human rights; and thatthe van Boven principles guide the reparation measures. Reparation shouldconsist of,1. acknowledgment and apology,2. guarantees against repetition,3. measures of restitution,4. measures of rehabilitation, and5. monetary compensation.The gross human rights violations documented by the Inquiry have affectedAustralia’s Indigenous peoples widely. They have affected the families andcommunities of those forcibly removed. They have affected the entire Indigenouspopulation with demoralising consequences. The van Boven principles recognise thatvictims of violations may be direct and indirect, thus including the children andfamilies directly affected together with entire communities.6. Reparation may be claimed individually and where appropriate collectively, by thedirect victims, the immediate family, dependants or other persons or groups of personsconnected with the direct victims.

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