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submission pages D-26 to D-28).Western AustraliaThe WA Government provided little information on any programs specificallydesigned for Indigenous young people. Facilities such as Gwynne Lea Cottage andWarramia Farm are available for young people on bail, supervised release or communitybased court orders. There is also a supervised release program which enables youngpeople to serve the final half of a detention order under supervision in the community.The Killara Youth Support Service offers a program of counselling and support for ‘atrisk’ young people and those who have just commenced offending. Camp Kurli Murri(also known as the Laverton Work Camp) is an ‘alternative sentencing option’ for thecourts. All of these programs are available to all young people.The WA Government noted that funds are made available to Aboriginalcommunities to develop community programs for young people to discharge court orders.The Kanpa facility near Warburton takes Indigenous young people while on bail orsubject to a court order. An Aboriginal Family Support Program is being piloted inGeraldton and Perth to support elders to provide role models and support for youngoffenders (WA Government supplementary information).QueenslandThe Queensland Government drew attention to a number of programs designed toreduce the level of Indigenous over-representation. The Youth and CommunityCombined Action (YACCA) strategy is a preventive program. Four Indigenous-specificprojects are funded under this program in Aurukun, Palm Island, Murgon/Cherbourg andBrisbane (interim submission page 92).A number of other projects have been established in areas with high rates of reportedjuvenile offences and high rates of detention orders for Indigenous young people. Theseinclude a ‘Crime Clean-up Team’ in Inala and a young offender project in Ipswich (TeenCare Indigenous Youth Service) which provides culturally-appropriate supervision andother programs. Aboriginal Outreach Projects have been established at Cairns andMurgon to assist in the supervision of orders. Some Indigenous people have beenemployed as Adolescent Resource Workers to work with ‘high risk’ or ‘high need’Indigenous children (Queensland Government interim submission pages 94-95). Takentogether, these programs are said to reflect the Government’s commitment to selfdeterminationin the area of juvenile justice.The Conditional Bail Program offers courts alternatives to remanding children incustody. The program focuses on children who would otherwise be unlikely to be grantedbail or to comply with bail conditions. Programs can be individually designed. They mayinvolve existing projects or engaging a community organisation on a fee for service basis.Slightly more than half of the children referred to the program have been Indigenous. TheQueensland Government credits the program with a reduction in the number of

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