Kathamrita Volume II - Swami Vivekananda

Kathamrita Volume II - Swami Vivekananda

Kathamrita Volume II - Swami Vivekananda


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“When one has realized God, one knows thatHe Himself is self-existent [10] as well as theAll-pervading in the form of the universe [11] .He is the Indivisible Existence-Knowledge-Bliss Absolute and He has also become theworld and its living beings.”Mere knowledge of scriptures is illusory – directknowledge is obtained by practice of spiritualdisciplines“The practice of spiritual disciplines isessential. Mere study of scriptures does nogood. I found Vidyasagar very learned. But towhat end? Didn’t you see that his only joy wasto teach boys how to read and write? He hasnever tasted the Bliss of God. What will merestudy do? What does one assimilate of theinjunctions of the scriptures? The almanac saysthere will be twenty measures of rainfall, buthowever much you press the almanac, not adrop of water comes from it.”Mahima — There are so many duties that onehas to do in the world. Where is the time for thepractice of spiritual disciplines?Sri Ramakrishna — Why, don’t you yourselfsay that the world is like a dream?“Seeing the ocean in front of him, Lakshmanatook a bow and arrow in his hand and said

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