Kender Phase 4 Triangle SE14 PDF 307 KB - Council meetings ...

Kender Phase 4 Triangle SE14 PDF 307 KB - Council meetings ...

Kender Phase 4 Triangle SE14 PDF 307 KB - Council meetings ...


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3.51 The conclusion is that there are unlikely to be any noise impacts derived from thesite itself and with appropriate noise mitigation glazing units and ventilationsystems, internal noise levels would be acceptable. External amenity areas canalso benefit from good design.Code for Sustainable Homes prediction report3.52 Predictions of how the proposed development would achieve a minimum of 68points (Level 4) are set out in this report.3.53 It is confirmed that much of the information within the report is based onassumptions and that evidence of the ability of the scheme to achieve Level 4 willhave to be provided.3.54 The conclusions section of the report states that some of the units within Block 5and some of the units within Block 6 may not achieve Code Level 4.Code for Sustainable Homes – Ecological assessment3.55 This report was undertaken when the previous residential dwellings had alreadybeen demolished. The assessment therefore confirms that there was littleecology to protect or enhance as upon site visit, the site comprised rubble andsparse vegetation.3.56 Using a credit system, the document concludes by calculating the creditsavailable to differing elements of the scheme given the current ecological value ofthe site and the predicted capabilities of the proposed development.3.57 The document also provides a comprehensive list of suggested measures whichcould optimise the ecological credits for the development.3.58 Energy Assessment – This document still refers to individual boilers within theflats and was not revised to incorporate the change to communal boilers which isnow proposed.Historic environment assessment3.59 This report is based on the findings of a desk-based study which assessed theimpact of the scheme on buried heritage assets.3.60 The findings conclude that the site does not contain any nationally designated(protected) heritage assets, but that that it lies across the boundary of two areasof archaeological priority as designated by Lewisham. The document alsoidentifies the adjacent Hatcham Conservation Area.3.61 The report also concludes that a site investigation prior to granting planningpermission is unnecessary, but that investigative works should be carried out priorto the commencement of works.Arboricultural implication study and tree protection strategy3.62 This report assesses all trees currently on site and adjacent thereto in terms oftheir health and safety, amenity value and future potential. A schedule of thetrees is appended to the report. The report also considers any potential impact onthe trees from the application proposal.<strong>Phase</strong> 4 <strong>Kender</strong> <strong>Triangle</strong>, <strong>SE14</strong>

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