Kender Phase 4 Triangle SE14 PDF 307 KB - Council meetings ...

Kender Phase 4 Triangle SE14 PDF 307 KB - Council meetings ...

Kender Phase 4 Triangle SE14 PDF 307 KB - Council meetings ...


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• A Transport and Environmental Improvement Contribution of £125,675• Meeting the <strong>Council</strong>’s costs in assessing the application includingimplementation and monitoring costs• Local Labour to be used for and during the construction of thedevelopment.12.0 RECOMMENDATION (B)12.1 Upon the completion of a satisfactory Section 106 Agreement, in relation to thematters set out above, authorise the Head of Planning to Grant Permission subjectto the following conditions:(1) No development shall take place until the applicant has secured theimplementation of a programme of archaeological work in accordance witha written scheme for investigation which has been submitted by theapplicant and approved by the Local Planning Authority. The developmentshall only take place in accordance with the detailed scheme pursuant tothis condition. The archaeological works shall be carried out by a suitablyqualified investigating body acceptable to the Local Planning AuthorityReasonAR1R(2) Notwithstanding the proposal to provide a buff London stock brick, nodevelopment shall commence on site until samples of the proposed brickcolouring and contrasting materials to be attached to all faces of theindividual buildings (including their colour and texture), together with detailsof reveals have been submitted to and approved in writing by the localplanning authority. The brick and materials submitted shall providecontrast and individual distinction to the buildings. The development shallbe carried out in accordance with the approved samples, unless the localplanning authority agrees in writing to any variation.ReasonB01R(3) No works shall be carried out in respect of the development herebyapproved until a Section 278 Agreement has been entered into in respectof highways works detailed in the Landscape Masterplan (drwg. no.KEN_AL_9200_Rev C), which include junction works to BarlboroughStreet, Avonley Road and Monson Road, works to Reaston Street includingtraffic calming measures and pedestrian friendly treatments/features, andany necessary associated reinstatement works to roads and pavementsincluding the blocking up of any redundant crossovers.ReasonIn the interests of highway safety and to ensure a satisfactory standard ofdevelopment, in accordance with Policies Objective 9 and Policy 15 Highquality design for Lewisham in the adopted Core Strategy (June 2011).<strong>Phase</strong> 4 <strong>Kender</strong> <strong>Triangle</strong>, <strong>SE14</strong>

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