DA's Plan for Growth and Jobs - Democratic Alliance

DA's Plan for Growth and Jobs - Democratic Alliance

DA's Plan for Growth and Jobs - Democratic Alliance


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FISCAL AND MONETARY POLICY PRIORITIESGetting fiscal policy rightThe DA’s plan to break down barriers <strong>and</strong> build a high-growth, stakeholder economy will onlywork in a stable <strong>and</strong> supportive macroeconomic environment. Accordingly, our approach tomacroeconomic policy is to get fiscal <strong>and</strong> monetary fundamentals right, <strong>and</strong> to moderate theshort-term fluctuations in growth that drive the business cycle.Our fiscal policy position is updated each year with the publication of our Alternative Budgetshortly be<strong>for</strong>e the national Minister of Finance tables his Budget. The budget framework ofrecent Alternative Budgets reflects four main trends in tax policy.First, tax policy should also support a healthy financial system that meets the needs ofsavers <strong>and</strong> borrowers while providing capital to support growth. In this regard we generallypropose a reduction in taxes on savings <strong>and</strong> investment.Second, we maintain that tax policy has a key role to play in driving economic growth so wepropose appropriate cuts in corporate <strong>and</strong> business taxes to enhance the competitiveness ofSouth African businesses.Third, we believe that payroll taxes are a contributing factor to our stubbornly highunemployment rate <strong>and</strong> should there<strong>for</strong>e be reduced over the medium term.Fourth, because of economies of scale in investment <strong>and</strong> the disproportionate share ofwealth that accrues to high income earners, we support the progressive nature of taxationestablished under the current government.We note, however, that the top rates of personal income tax are high relative to ourinternational competitors, <strong>and</strong> kick in at a lower rate. We maintain, there<strong>for</strong>e, that there is nospace to adjust these in favour of SARS in the medium term.On the expenditure side there are also several trends that characterise the DA’s fiscaloutlook as indicated in each Alternative Budget. It is important that the budget framework, <strong>for</strong>example, does not threaten our fiscal health, hence we have tabled proposals to constrainour debt-to-GDP ratio to no higher than 40% over the medium term.Moreover, the current government's failure to ring fence dedicated revenues is short-sighted.We believe that it is appropriate <strong>and</strong> just to ring fence certain taxes to ensure that taxpayersget what they pay <strong>for</strong>.Recent examples that highlight this include the debacle around e-tolling in Gauteng wherethe DA has supported the ring-fencing of the fuel levy to pay <strong>for</strong> road infrastructure, <strong>and</strong> thecarbon tax of 2010 which the DA maintained should be ring fenced <strong>for</strong> expenditure oncarbon-mitigation.Several core principles underpin each of the DA’s Alternative Budgets. These are:Policy certainty: One of the consequences of the ideological factionalism in theANC is the lack of certainty around economic policy. Ministers from variousideological backgrounds table contradictory policy documents <strong>and</strong> implementation isblocked by shifting factions at Cabinet level. While the New <strong>Growth</strong> Path posits abigger role <strong>for</strong> the state in the economy, the National Development <strong>Plan</strong> takes theopposite view. A DA government would speak with one voice on the economy.35 | P a g e

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