DA's Plan for Growth and Jobs - Democratic Alliance

DA's Plan for Growth and Jobs - Democratic Alliance

DA's Plan for Growth and Jobs - Democratic Alliance


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LONG-TERM POLICY PROPOSALSPolicy outcome: Enhanced regional integrationOne-Stop Border PostsIntroduce a system of One-Stop Border Posts (OSBPs) at each of South Africa’sinternational l<strong>and</strong> borders in order to expedite the border crossing process, reduceadministrative burdens <strong>and</strong> costs, <strong>and</strong> enhance regional trade. Agreements will be signedwith each of the country’s territorial neighbours that will allow <strong>for</strong> the mutual recognition ofregulation <strong>and</strong> inspections procedures so that the emigration <strong>and</strong> immigration stages ofprocess may be completed in a single step, with officials from both parties working side byside. Key components of the OSBP system will include: (i) project inspection through jointcustoms control; (ii) single-window inspection with coordinated opening hours; (iii) priorexchange of in<strong>for</strong>mation <strong>for</strong> clearance; (iv) systematic reduction of routine inspectionpractices; (v) reduction of the number of documents required by both sides <strong>and</strong> theelimination of superfluous procedures; (vi) alignment of trade document to the st<strong>and</strong>ard UNlayout; <strong>and</strong> (vii) the introduction of customs inl<strong>and</strong> clearance practices by all cooperatingpartners.SA National Peace CorpsEstablish a South African National Peace Corps (SANPC) to provide developmentassistance <strong>and</strong> build closer ties between South Africa <strong>and</strong> the rest of the continent. TheSANCP will provide training, cover transport costs <strong>and</strong> pay school-leaving volunteers a smallstipend <strong>for</strong> the duration of their tour of duty. Volunteers will gain leadership skills as well aspractical knowledge of key areas such as health, education, business <strong>and</strong> ICT, which willassist them in the job market. Recruitment will be targeted at school-leavers.SA International Development AgencyEstablish a South African International Development Agency (SAIDA) within the Departmentof International Relations <strong>and</strong> Cooperation. SAIDA will provide development loans <strong>and</strong>assistance, policy expertise <strong>and</strong> other technical support to developing countries, with a focuson Africa <strong>and</strong> Southern Africa in particular. While offsetting the effects of the SACU drawdown,the primary aim of SAIDA will be to further South Africa’s broader economic <strong>and</strong> geostrategicinterests.SADC-wide tourist visaNegotiate the introduction of a single SADC Tourist Visa. The visa would allow tourists fromnon-SADC states visiting one or more member states the option of unimpeded travel in theSADC area. The agreement would place obligations on all signatory states to strengthenexternal border posts, <strong>and</strong> take all appropriate measures to prevent document fraud.Phased drawn-down of SACUNegotiate a phased drawn-down of the Southern African Customs Union (SACU) withBotswana, Namibia, Lesotho <strong>and</strong> Swazil<strong>and</strong> that will see the 2002 SACU Agreementreplaced with a sub-regional Free Trade Agreement (FTA) as a precursor to a future regionalCommon Market.71 | P a g e

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