DA's Plan for Growth and Jobs - Democratic Alliance

DA's Plan for Growth and Jobs - Democratic Alliance

DA's Plan for Growth and Jobs - Democratic Alliance


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In the interests of sustaining strong economic growth, it is essential that South Africa’sdeclining relative attractiveness as an FDI destination is halted <strong>and</strong> reversed.Three essential ingredients are required in order to achieve this.First, investors need policy certainty. Under the ANC, the direction of national policy changesdepending on the machinations of different factions within the party <strong>and</strong> its alliance partners.Under a DA government, policy-makers will follow a consistent line that places job creationthrough rapid economic growth front <strong>and</strong> centre.Second, South Africa needs to be proactive about identifying potential investors, <strong>and</strong> activelylobby them to invest in the country.To do this successfully, we will need a coherent <strong>and</strong> focussed strategy; a properly trainedcohort of diplomats that can promote South Africa as a re<strong>for</strong>m-minded <strong>and</strong> business-friendlydestination; as well as a welcoming <strong>and</strong> facilitative domestic institutional set-up to helpinvestors integrate into the South African economy.Third, the government needs to create the right environment <strong>for</strong> business to flourish so thatboth domestic <strong>and</strong> international players receive good returns on their investments.This requires that tax rates are competitive relative to other developing countries, <strong>and</strong> thatthe South Africa’s physical infrastructure is upgraded <strong>and</strong> exp<strong>and</strong>ed to meet the needs of avibrant <strong>and</strong> growing economy.The current national government has, until now, furthermore neglected the importance ofinvesting in economically strategic infrastructure - such as roads, rail links, ports, dams <strong>and</strong>power stations – instead preferring to allocate the country’s fiscal resources to items such ashigh salaries <strong>for</strong> politicians <strong>and</strong> state employees. This is a trend that also needs to bereversed.According the Department of Public Enterprises, the country has, over the past fifteen years,accrued an infrastructure backlog of R1.5 trillion. This means South Africa has effectivelymissed a generation of infrastructure investment, with adverse consequences <strong>for</strong> thecountry’s competitiveness, as well as its long-term economic growth.Take the example of the logistics sector where the economic impact of poor infrastructureplanning <strong>and</strong> maintenance is very evident.Without adequate rail infrastructure, goods have to be transported by road. This, whencombined with the impact of rising administered <strong>and</strong> regulated prices of inputs such aselectricity <strong>and</strong> fuel, has contributed to transport becoming the single-biggest factor impactingon logistics costs: 53.2% compared to the global norm of 40%.Breaking down barriers to trade with the rest of Africa <strong>and</strong> the world, <strong>and</strong> building thefoundations <strong>for</strong> long-term growth by reorienting fiscal policy to prioritise investment, are thetwo cornerstones of the DA’s growth strategy <strong>for</strong> South Africa.To achieve this we have to deepen engagement with the rest of Africa as a strategiceconomic partner; radically simplify the rules <strong>and</strong> procedures involved in importing <strong>and</strong>exporting goods in <strong>and</strong> out of the country; actively promote investment; increaseinfrastructure investment to 10% of GDP to deal with our current backlogs; <strong>and</strong> eliminatewasteful expenditure through tighter fiscal governance, so that our resources go to buildingthe economic base, rather than lining the pockets of politically-connected elites.69 | P a g e

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