DA's Plan for Growth and Jobs - Democratic Alliance

DA's Plan for Growth and Jobs - Democratic Alliance

DA's Plan for Growth and Jobs - Democratic Alliance


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In order to capitalise on this shift in R&D investment towards emerging economies, <strong>and</strong> notlose out to our international competitors, South Africa needs to position itself as an attractiveplace to conduct cutting-edge research.According to a recent OECD report on the attractiveness of different locations <strong>for</strong> R&Dinvestment, factors that prospective investors take into account include: the size of themarket; the availability of high-quality resources such as scientific infrastructure <strong>and</strong> thesupply of skilled labour; agglomeration effects arising from proximity to other companies; <strong>and</strong>a stable policy environment. How have other governments sought to facilitate high-valueR&D growth?A good example of international best practice is the US State of Georgia, which has beenparticularly innovative in its approach to leveraging university-based science <strong>and</strong> technology(S&T) innovation to spur economic growth. This involved establishing a state-wide researchalliance between Georgia’s six research universities <strong>and</strong> the state to build a technologydriveneconomy in the region.Public-private partnerships were developed between the R&D ‘triple helix’: universities,government <strong>and</strong> business. A key component of Georgia’s approach concerned the creationof a Georgia Research <strong>Alliance</strong> Venture Fund that provides commercialisation grants toassist researchers turn their work into marketable products.This combined with changes to legislation that incentivise cooperation between industries<strong>and</strong> university-based research units (by allowing the institution to retain title to governmentfundedwork, thus enabling them to benefit financially from their inventions <strong>and</strong> innovations)has contributed to Georgia becoming major centre <strong>for</strong> R&D investment in the United States.With a number of good universities, <strong>and</strong> a selection of top-flight research institutes,specifically in high-value industries such as pharmaceuticals <strong>and</strong> science <strong>and</strong> technologyresearch – where we are ranked 30 th in the world by the World Economic Forum - SouthAfrica has the intellectual assets to become a world-class centre <strong>for</strong> R&D. However, smartpolicy re<strong>for</strong>ms will be needed at a national level if we are to harness these assets to boostour country’s overall competitiveness <strong>and</strong> drive growth.As the case of Georgia shows, these policy changes need to: (i) Put in place the rightfinancial incentives; (ii) introduce a facilitative regulatory framework (iii) establish asupportive institutional environment <strong>and</strong> (iv) encourage entrepreneurial thinking amongresearchers.SHORT-TERM POLICY PROPOSALSPolicy outcome: Easier <strong>and</strong> simpler to do businessEntrepreneurship competitionEnter into partnership with companies, NGOs <strong>and</strong> local business schools <strong>and</strong> trainingcentres to establish an annual ‘My Future Starts Now’ entrepreneurship competition <strong>for</strong> 18 to30 year olds that will pay a cash prize each year to an individual or group of individualsresponsible to developing a winning business plan. The exact amount would differ from yearto year, depending on partner contributions, <strong>and</strong> recipients would be ineligible to apply morethan once.66 | P a g e

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