Shell World Philippines 2012 Issue 2

Shell World Philippines 2012 Issue 2

Shell World Philippines 2012 Issue 2

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it. Our job was, for the most part, tocapture small but memorable momentsas they unfolded. We then uploadedour posts to <strong>Shell</strong> Eco-marathon AsiaFacebook group to bring in viewersfrom around the world as if they werelive spectators of the event.As part of the Social Media team, Ihad an exclusive pit access that gaveme licence to roam around the vastgrounds of Sepang—including theoff-limits (but safe) areas of the track.I and my partner, Rachel Chow—avery nice lady from <strong>Shell</strong> Malaysia,had the time of our lives spottingcars of different colours, shapes anddesigns and talking to the teams thatbuilt them. We were at awe andamazed by the creative product ofyoung minds’ ingenuity, that, beforewe knew it, we’ve already seen allenergy efficient cars built by 119student-teams from 18 countries acrossAsia and Middle East!For <strong>2012</strong>, 81 cars competed in thePrototype Category and 38 in theUrbanConcept Category. Prototypevehicles were typically smaller insize and more futuristic-looking, withan overall design concept to reducedrag and maximise efficiency. Inthe UrbanConcept category, teamsdesigned and built four-wheel, fueleconomyvehicles that look similarto the passenger cars we see onthe road today. For both vehiclecategories, teams used either InternalCombustion Engines that run on eitherdiesel, gasoline, ethanol, fatty acidmethyl ester (FAME) or <strong>Shell</strong> Gas toLiquids; or e-mobility energy sourcesincluding solar, fuel cells and batteryelectric technologies.On this day, I was nolonger just a proudFilipina. I was a proudFilipina with deepappreciation for Asia.I realised that, despiteour different culturesand creeds, a universalkindness and humourcan bind us all together. But I wasespecially inspired by the fact that wewere gathered together in Sepangfor a common reason —a granderpurpose which was to ensure anenergy efficient future for generationsto come.Day 2 : July 6, <strong>2012</strong>On day 2, Mark Gainsborough,<strong>Shell</strong>’s Executive Vice President forGlobal Commercial, inspired meduring his Special Session on SmarterChief Executive OfficerSimon Henry, with YangBerhormat Dato’ Sri IdrisJala, Chief ExecutiveOfficer of Malaysia’sPerformance Managementand Delivery Unit(PEMANDU), leads theflag-off ceremony.shell world philippines i 23

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