Northland Civil Defence Emergency Management Plan, 2010

Northland Civil Defence Emergency Management Plan, 2010

Northland Civil Defence Emergency Management Plan, 2010

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8.3.3 WORK PROGRAMMESAn annual work programme is developed to support the objectives of this <strong>Plan</strong>. The work programme isdeveloped in consultation with CEG and is approved by the CDEM Group at the December/February meetings.The <strong>Emergency</strong> <strong>Management</strong> Officers employed by the local authority members will cooperate on the delivery ofthe annual work programmes.8.3.4 DELEGATED AUTHORITIES, FUNCTIONS AND POWERSAlthough the CDEM Group retains the responsibility for CDEM in the region there are a number of authorities,functions and powers that need to be delegated (CDEM Act (2002) (s18, 25-27)) to persons and/or positions as keyappointments. Key appointments are listed at the front of this plan.DECLARATIONSIn accordance with section 25(1) of the Act, the CDEM Group appoints a Chairperson of the CDEM Group as theperson authorised to declare a state of local emergency for the CDEM Group’s area. In their absence the DeputyChairperson or any other available member of the <strong>Northland</strong> CDEM Group can declare.In accordance with section 25(2) the persons authorised to declare a state of local emergency are identified insection 5.8 as being:the Mayor of the territorial authority affectedor an elected member of that territorial authority designated to act on behalf of the MayorAny person authorised to declare a state of local emergency may also make a declaration to extend or terminate astate of emergency in accordance with section 71 and 72 of the Act.CONTROLLERSIn accordance with sections 26(1), 26(2) and 27(1) of the Act (2002), the CDEM Group has appointed personnel tothe positions of Group Controller, Alternative Group Controller and Local Controller. The persons appointed aslocal controllers are identified in respective Local CDEM <strong>Plan</strong>s.The CDEM Group have not delegated any functions or powers to the Group Controller other than those inferred bysection 28(2) of the Act.Section 28Functions of Group Controllers(1) The Group Controller must, during a state of local emergency for the area for which theGroup Controller is appointed, direct and co-ordinate, for the purposes of this Act, theuse of the personnel, material, information, services, and other resources madeavailable by departments, CDEM groups, and other persons.(2) The Group Controller must also perform any functions or duties delegated to the GroupController by the CDEM Group or conferred on Controllers by this Act or any otherenactment, and may exercises any power conferred on the Group Controller bydelegation under this Act.(3) A Group Controller or person directed under section 27 may authorise any suitablequalified and experienced person to exercise any power or function or fulfil any duty ofthat Group Controller or directed person, including the power to authorise the use ofthose powers, functions, and duties(4) No Croup Controller or person directed under section 27 may exercise any powerconferred on Controllers by this Act during any state of national emergency in anymanner contrary to any priorities for the use of resources and services that have beendetermined by the Director or National Controller.<strong>Civil</strong> <strong>Defence</strong> and <strong>Emergency</strong> Act (2002)<strong>Northland</strong> <strong>Civil</strong> <strong>Defence</strong> <strong>Emergency</strong> <strong>Management</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>, <strong>2010</strong>-2015 Page 66

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