gmertca, , ?|emp, an& JUapoleon - Vote Hemp

gmertca, , ?|emp, an& JUapoleon - Vote Hemp

gmertca, , ?|emp, an& JUapoleon - Vote Hemp

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Hemf, Flax, and Iron: The American View3. American State Papers: Class IV, Naval Affairs (Washington, D.C. :Gales & Seaton, 1834), I, 400.4. Alex. J. Warden, The Linen Trade, Ancient and Modern (London:Longman, Green & Longman, Roberts & Green, 1864), p. 319.5. Ibid., p. 337; Tooke, View of the Russian Empire, III, 508.6. Warden, The Linen Trade, p. 319.7. Arthur C . Bining, British Regulation of Colonial Iron Industry(Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1933), pp. 3, 122.8. The Dictionary of Merchandise and Nomenclature in All Languagesfor Use of Counting-Houses (Philadelphia: James Humphreys, 1805),p. 198.9. Ibid.; Bining, British Regulation of Colonial Iron Industry, p. 122;Eli F. Heckscher, An Economic History of Sweden (Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard University Press, 1954), p. 177; Wharton, Revolutionary DiplomaticCorrespondence, V , 781.10. Heckscher, Economic History of Sweden, pp. 94-95; James Mavor,An Economic History of Russia (Ne w York: J. M . Dent & Sons, Ltd.,1925), L 533­11. Victor S. Clark, History of Manufacturers in the United States(New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 1929), I, 299-300.12. Samuel Eliot Morison, The Maritime History of Massachusetts,1783-1860 (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1930), pp. 294-95.13. John H . Reinoehl (ed.), "Some Remarks on the American Trade:Jacob Crowninshield to James Madison, 1806," William and Mary Quarterly,XVI (January, 1959), 104 n.14. James F. Hopkins, A History of the <strong>Hemp</strong> Industry in Kentucky(Lexington: University of Kentucky Press, 1951), pp. 6-7.15. Fortescue, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, 1681—85, P- 160.16. Clark, History of Manufactures in the United States, I, 24; Hopkins,History of the <strong>Hemp</strong> Industry in Kentucky, p. 11.17. John Hutchins, The American Maritime Industries and PublicPolicy, 1789-1914 (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 194O, p. 125.18. Ford, Writings of John Quincy Adams, I, 63; Pitkin, A StatisticalView of Commerce, p. 235; Clark, History of Manufactures in the UnitedStates, I, 326; American State Papers: Naval Affairs, II, 39; SamuelEliot Morison, The Ropemakers of Plymouth: A History of the PlymouthCordage Company, 1824-1949 (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1950), p. 8.19. James Duncan Phillips, "The Salem Shipbuilding Industry Before1812," American Neptune, II (October, 1942), 287-88.20. American State Papers: Naval Affairs, II, 27, 28, 29.21. Ibid., I, 246; II, 29-30, 38; III, 89-90; Hopkins, History of the<strong>Hemp</strong> Industry in Kentucky, p. 53.22. American State Papers: Naval Affairs, II, 28, 38.23. Hopkins, History of the <strong>Hemp</strong> Industry in Kentucky, pp. 21, 80,90; Hutchins, American Maritime Industries, p. 125.2-5

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