FOREWORD - Wentworth Institute of Technology

FOREWORD - Wentworth Institute of Technology

FOREWORD - Wentworth Institute of Technology


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WIT Employee HandbookSection II: Employment Policyrelated to the grievance. Each party has the opportunity to present the facts tothe Committee and the Committee can ask any questions and request anyinformation <strong>of</strong> the parties it deems relevant to the grievance. The GrievanceCommittee is closed to those not directly involved in the grievance. The meetingis investigatory rather than adversarial.C.) Committee Authority. The Grievance Committee is prohibited from creatingnew or amending existing <strong>Wentworth</strong> policies (written or unwritten), rules andregulations. The Committee, however, may suggest to the Vice President forHuman Resources that particular policies or rules be reviewed. The Committeewill forward its written findings and recommendations to the President.Step 5. The President shall normally have 15 business days from his/her receipt<strong>of</strong> the Committee’s recommendation to review it. If the President takes no actionwithin that period, the Moderator shall transmit the Committee’s finding to theparties in writing as <strong>Wentworth</strong>’s final decision on the grievance and will, onbehalf <strong>of</strong> the President, take whatever actions are necessary to implement thedecision. If the President reverses or alters the Committee’s recommendation,he/she will communicate this decision in writing to the Moderator. The Moderatorwill transmit the President’s decision in writing to the parties as <strong>Wentworth</strong>’s finaldecision on the grievance, with instructions for implementation.f. General ProvisionsGrievances must be brought to the informal grievance procedure within 30 days<strong>of</strong> the occurrence <strong>of</strong> the issue/incident, except in unusual circumstances to bedetermined by Human Resources. If the time limits set for advancing thegrievance are not met, the grievance will be deemed to have been settled in amanner consistent with the recommendation at the end <strong>of</strong> the last completedstep. Requests for an extension <strong>of</strong> any time limit by a party must be made inwriting to the Human Resources Department, and no extension will be effectiveunless and until the request is approved in writing. In some cases, additional timemay be required by <strong>Wentworth</strong> or the Committee or the President. In such casesthe employee will be notified by the Human Resources Department <strong>of</strong> theadditional time required.The failure to provide a written response to the grievance, in a timely manner,shall be construed as a denial <strong>of</strong> the grievance and the proposed resolution andwill permit the grievance to proceed to the next step if the employee wishes.March 200933

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