FOREWORD - Wentworth Institute of Technology

FOREWORD - Wentworth Institute of Technology

FOREWORD - Wentworth Institute of Technology


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WIT Employee HandbookAppendix AAPPENDICESAPPENDIX A: ELIMINATION OF SEXUAL HARASSMENT ANDUNLAWFUL DISCRIMINATION IN THE WORKPLACEThis appendix establishes <strong>Wentworth</strong>’s policy regarding sexual harassment andunlawful discrimination in the workplace by faculty, <strong>of</strong>ficers, supervisors, employees,vendors, direct clientele, students and contractors. It also includes examples <strong>of</strong>conduct that may constitute sexual harassment and sets forth a complaint procedureto be followed by persons who believe that they are victims <strong>of</strong> such harassment, orthat they are subject to unlawful discrimination in the workplace.1. INSTITUTE POLICY<strong>Wentworth</strong> fully supports the right <strong>of</strong> all persons to hold employment withoutsuffering sexual harassment or unlawful discrimination <strong>of</strong> any kind. It is the policy <strong>of</strong><strong>Wentworth</strong> to maintain a work environment that is free <strong>of</strong> sexual harassment andunlawful discriminatory actions based on race, gender, age, sexual orientation,religion, national origin, disability, veteran’s status or any other protected status.Unlawful employment discrimination and sexual harassment by faculty, <strong>of</strong>ficers,supervisors, employees, vendors, direct clientele, students and contractors will notbe tolerated.2. SEXUAL HARASSMENTa. Legal DefinitionSexual harassment is a form <strong>of</strong> sex discrimination that is illegal under both federaland Massachusetts state laws, including Title VII <strong>of</strong> the Civil Rights Act <strong>of</strong> 1964 andG.L.c.151B & 18. These laws provide that unwelcome sexual advances, requests forsexual favors, and other physical or verbal conduct <strong>of</strong> a sexual nature constitutesexual harassment when:• Submission to or rejection <strong>of</strong> such advances, requests or conduct is madeeither explicitly or implicitly a term or condition <strong>of</strong> an individual’s employmentdecisions affecting the individual.• Such conduct has the purpose or effect <strong>of</strong> unreasonably interfering with anindividual’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, humiliatingor sexually <strong>of</strong>fensive work environment.b. Examples Of Conduct That Can Constitute Unlawful Sexual HarassmentSexual harassment does not refer to behavior <strong>of</strong> a socially acceptable nature, suchas an occasional complimentary remark. Sexual harassment occurs in a variety <strong>of</strong>March 200984

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