Caché Upgrade Checklists - InterSystems Documentation

Caché Upgrade Checklists - InterSystems Documentation

Caché Upgrade Checklists - InterSystems Documentation


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Developers• ModulesPrior to this change, Zen would create a single JavaScript (.js) and stylesheet (.css) file for each class package containingZen components. With this version, there is a mechanism for greater granularity – within a package, one or more Zencomponents can be placed into collections called modules.• Reorganization of JavaScript on pagesZen pages are changed so that JavaScript includes and inline JavaScript are placed at the bottom of a page, after theHTML content is served. This should result in faster display of pages.• Dynamic loading of component JavaScript and stylesheetsWhen a component is created, the browser must have its JavaScript and stylesheet definitions on hand. This isaccomplished by including the entire library within one large include file. This, in turn, allows dynamic creation ofZen components after a page has been loaded.• Use of include files for *all* non-page componentsPrior to this, it was possible for a non-page component to have its JavaScript and stylsheet inline within a page. Withthis change, all non-page components will use include files.• Removal of Zen background file generationThe generation of JavaScript and stylesheet files now takes place as part of the compilation; the background file generationmechanism is no longer needed. Zen dynaTree NodeCount ChangedZEN dynaTree has a property that counts the nodes in the tree. With this version of <strong>Caché</strong>, the count now includes all thenodes in the tree, not just those at the top level.5.2.12 Java Binding Changes5.2.12.1 <strong>Caché</strong> Version 2010.1 Is Compatibility BreakBecause of internal changes to the way the Java binding manages memory for objects, version 2010.1 represents a breakin cross-version compatibility. Java clients on any version of <strong>Caché</strong> from version 5.0.13 to 2009.1 are compatible with<strong>Caché</strong> servers in that same range of releases. Those clients will receive an exception if they attempt to access a <strong>Caché</strong> serverrunning 2010.1.Java clients attempting to access a <strong>Caché</strong> server running version 2010.1 must also be running on 2010. xDBC Changes5.2.13.1 Make Catalog Queries Independent Of VersionFor ODBC Catalog queries there are differences between ODBC 3.5 and 2.5. In version 2009.1, this was addressed byincreasing the protocol number. This will not continue to work because SQL Server can dynamically switch betweenreturning data for version 3.5 or version 2.5 by calling SQLSetEnvAttr. This sets the SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSIONoption to either 2 or 3 depending on which type of ODBC error messages or catalog information it wishes to present.In this version, ODBC allows an application to dynamically switch between the two environment settings. CallingSQLAllocEnv sets the environment to version 2.5 by default. If you want to get the version 3.5 catalog information, youneed to call SQLSetEnvAttr. If you use SQLAllocHandle (3.5) the driver manager will force you to call SQLSetEnvAttrbefore making a connection by giving you an out of sequence error.<strong>Caché</strong> <strong>Upgrade</strong> <strong>Checklists</strong> 127

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