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External RecognitionSocially Responsible Investments (SRI)There are a variety of socially responsible mutual fundsavailable to investors who choose to invest in companiesthat meet specific criteria in areas covering various social,environmental and economic dimensions. <strong>Starbucks</strong> waslisted on several SRI indices (mentioned below) and includedin some socially responsible mutual funds in fiscal 2006.• Calvert Social Index • Citizens Index ®• Domini 400 Social SM Index (DS400)• Dow Jones Sustainability North America Index (DJSINorth America)• Dow Jones Sustainability United States Index (DJSIUnited States)• Dow Jones Sustainability World Index (DJSI World)• Ethibel Sustainability Index, Excellence Constituent• FTSE4Good Global Index• FTSE4Good U.S. Index• FTSE4Good US 100 Tradable Index• KLD Broad Market Social SM Index (BMSI)• KLD Large Cap Social SM Index (LCSI)• KLD Select Social SM Index (SSI)CSR AwardsWe are proud of the following CSR-related recognition that<strong>Starbucks</strong> received in fiscal 2006. While these honors aregreatly valued and appreciated, we do not view them as endresults but rather as important acknowledgements of ourongoing commitment to CSR and our efforts to date.Multiple-year awards<strong>Starbucks</strong> was ranked 17 th on the list of “100 Best CorporateCitizens” by Business Ethics magazine in 2006. <strong>Starbucks</strong> hasmade this list every year since 2000.<strong>Starbucks</strong> has made Fortune’s list of “The 100 BestCompanies to Work For” eight times. <strong>Starbucks</strong> ranked 29 thon the list in 2006.Single-year awardsThe U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Green PowerPartnership list of Top 25 Green Power Partners ranked<strong>Starbucks</strong> sixth for our significant purchase of Green Power.<strong>Starbucks</strong> was recognized as one of 15 employers toreceive the “Secretary of Defense Employer SupportFreedom Award” given by the National Committee forEmployer Support of the Guard and Reserve, a DefenseDepartment agency.<strong>Starbucks</strong> was recognized by DiversityInc in its “Top 50Companies for Diversity” and “Top 10 Companiesfor Latinos.”<strong>Starbucks</strong> Calgary received the “Employer of Persons withDisabilities Award of Distinction” at the Alberta BusinessAwards of Distinction Banquet.<strong>Starbucks</strong> UK was recognized as one of “UK Top 50 BestPlaces to Work” (ranked 34th), awarded by the Great Placesto Work Institute, in partnership with the Financial Times.<strong>Starbucks</strong> was ranked 9th by college students as a “MostDesirable Company to Join,” a listing compiled by Cheersmagazine in Taiwan.<strong>Starbucks</strong> was ranked 25th on Newsweek Japan’s “2006World <strong>Corporation</strong> Ranking 500” list based on sales,corporate social responsibility and return on equity.<strong>Starbucks</strong> was recognized as “Model Company forSustainable Economic Development” by the LuohuGovernment in Shenzhen, China.<strong>Starbucks</strong> UK was awarded a “Big Tick” by Business in theCommunity in recognition of excellence in corporate socialresponsibility, for the Partners in Education program.S T A R B U C K S A N D C O R P O R A T E S O C I A L R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y 14

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