BuSiNeSS PlAN - California Lottery

BuSiNeSS PlAN - California Lottery

BuSiNeSS PlAN - California Lottery


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2.1 A Winning ExperienceWe are proud to be a part of <strong>California</strong> and the exciting experiences thatcome with living in or visiting this great state. To us a winning experienceisn’t just about prizes, it’s about our customers feeling confident that weare ensuring the integrity of our games and knowing that they are helpingto contribute supplemental funding to our schools.In the lottery business, maintaining the public trust is the foundation ofa successful lottery. Maintenance of the public trust ensures players thatgames are operated fairly and winning tickets will be honored. Withoutthe public trust, there can be no lottery.The CSL was founded on the principles of integrity, security, honesty,and fairness. In every product we sell and every communication we have,we challenge ourselves to reinforce the public trust.The CSL was founded onthe principles of integrity,security, honesty, and fairness.In every product we sell andevery communication wehave, we challenge ourselvesto reinforce the public trust.The CSL is operated by nearly 600 dedicated employees throughout thestate. Our employees are a part of their communities and are proud oftheir contributions to public education and responsibility to maintain theCSL’s integrity.While the general public knows that the CSL sells lottery tickets, most areunaware of our efforts to ensure our integrity, security, honesty, and fairness.2.2 Security and Law EnforcementThe <strong>Lottery</strong> Act provides for the appointment of a Deputy Directorfor Security with law enforcement experience.The CSL’s Security and Law Enforcement Division is one of the mostwell-regarded security divisions in North America. In fact, the CSL’sSecurity and Law Enforcement Division has been consulted on a numberof occasions by other lotteries throughout the United States and Canadaon security and investigation best practices.Over the years, these sworn peace officers have ensured the CSL’sintegrity. However, their day-to-day activities, while paramount to theorganization, often go unnoticed. For example, every prospective andcurrent employee, retailer, vendor, and supplier must go through arigorous background investigation performed by the Security and LawEnforcement Division. This involves obtaining fingerprints and checkingcriminal histories with the <strong>California</strong> Attorney General’s Office and theFederal Bureau of Investigations. This is critical to ensuring that our productsare not compromised at any point from initial design to ultimate purchase.The CSL’s Security andLaw Enforcement Divisionis one of the most wellregardedsecurity divisionsin North America.<strong>California</strong> <strong>Lottery</strong> 2007–2010 Business Plan – 23 –

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