BuSiNeSS PlAN - California Lottery

BuSiNeSS PlAN - California Lottery

BuSiNeSS PlAN - California Lottery


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2.5 Problem GamblingAlthough not required by the <strong>Lottery</strong> Act, the CSL has been a leader inproblem gambling awareness. In 1998, the CSL created a problem gamblingawareness program that included funding a helpline. This was the firsthelpline of its kind in <strong>California</strong>. The CSL’s program has grown over time andcontinues to ensure that education and awareness of problem gamblingresources are included in its communications with the public. Since 1998,the CSL has spent over $1 million to address the issue of problem gambling.In 1998, the CSL createda problem gamblingawareness program thatincluded funding a helpline.This was the first helplineof its kind in <strong>California</strong>.In 2003, the <strong>California</strong> Legislature created an Office of Problem Gambling(OPG) at the Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs within the Healthand Human Services Agency. This office was tasked with developinga statewide problem gambling prevention program including a toll-freehelpline and referral service, a public awareness campaign, empiricallydriven research programs, and best practices in prevention and treatment.The CSL has had a strong relationship with the OPG since its inceptionand looks forward to expanding that relationship. In the coming year,the CSL will transition its gambling helpline number (888-277-3115) tothe number now used statewide (800-GAMBLER). We will continue ourcommitment to printing problem gambling warnings and providing thenew phone number on our tickets, brochures and advertisements, andon our terminals throughout the state. We will also take steps to expandour current program of distributing problem gambling brochures inorder to bring the program in line with the statewide efforts, ensuringmessage continuity statewide.Since 2003, the CSL has sponsored Public Service Announcements(PSAs) on both television and radio that air during National ProblemGambling Awareness Week. In 2006, the <strong>Lottery</strong> expanded this effortand aired PSAs throughout the entire month of March. We look forwardto working with OPG to create a fresh PSAs that can be used by all gamingentities throughout the state in a year-round rotation in order to raiseawareness. We also hope to expand the distribution of the PSA and offerit in languages other than English and Spanish.As a first step in continuous employee training, a problem gamblingpresentation was given at this year’s sales conference. We look forwardto expanding the presentation to a more complete training programfor all CSL staff in the field. Additionally, we will regularly update ourretailers via our retail newsletter on current events and issues surroundingproblem gambling.– 28 –<strong>California</strong> <strong>Lottery</strong> 2007–2010 Business Plan

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