25-Size Float Set - E-flite

25-Size Float Set - E-flite

25-Size Float Set - E-flite


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2006 Official AMA National Model Aircraft Safety CodeGENERAL1) I will not fly my model aircraft in sanctioned events,air shows or model flying demonstrations until ithas been proven to be airworthy by having beenpreviously, successfully flight tested.2) I will not fly my model higher than approximately400 feet within 3 miles of an airport without notifyingthe airport operator. I will give right-of-way and avoidflying in the proximity of full-scale aircraft. Wherenecessary, an observer shall be utilized to superviseflying to avoid having models fly in the proximity offull-scale aircraft.3) Where established, I will abide by the safety rulesfor the flying site I use, and I will not willfully ordeliberately fly my models in a careless, reckless and/or dangerous manner.4) The maximum takeoff weight of a model is 55pounds, except models flown under ExperimentalAircraft rules.5) I will not fly my model unless it is identified withmy name and address or AMA number on or in themodel. (This does not apply to models while beingflown indoors.)6) I will not operate models with metal-bladedpropellers or with gaseous boosts, in which gasesother than air enter their internal combustionengine(s); nor will I operate models with extremelyhazardous fuels such as those containingtetranitromethane or hydrazine.RADIO CONTROL1) I will have completed a successful radio equipmentground range check before the first flight of a new orrepaired model.2) I will not fly my model aircraft in the presenceof spectators until I become a qualified flier, unlessassisted by an experienced helper.28

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