Source Zone Delineation Demonstration Report - Triad Resource ...

Source Zone Delineation Demonstration Report - Triad Resource ...

Source Zone Delineation Demonstration Report - Triad Resource ...


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LIST OF FIGURESFigure ES-1 Iso-Concentration surface of the 100 g/kg TCE contamination in soilconstructed using 599 Wireline soil samples from 16 borings..................................... ES-2Figure ES-2 TCE vapor phase and soil concentrations..................................................................... ES-4Figure 1-1 Location map ...................................................................................................................1-2Figure 1-2 OU 12 source zone demonstration Core Technical Team...............................................1-4Figure 2-1 OU 12 site map showing TCE plume ..............................................................................2-2Figure 2-2 Recently discovered drums located near ground surface at OU 12.................................2-3Figure 2-3 Simplified representation of vadose zone stratigraphy ...................................................2-4Figure 3-1 Initial proposed Wireline CPT sampling transects..........................................................3-2Figure 3-2 Wireline locking and retrieval mechanism......................................................................3-4Figure 3-3 Illustration of the OU 12 Wireline CPT soil sampling demonstration............................3-5Figure 4-1 Schematic of VENT3D structure.....................................................................................4-2Figure 4-2 Predicted TCE distribution in vapor-phase following 30 years of diffusivetransport in a homogeneous permeability field of 1 darcy ..............................................4-4Figure 4-3 Predicted concentration of TCE in extracted soil vapor..................................................4-5Figure 4-4 Typical extraction/monitoring well .................................................................................4-6Figure 4-5 Soil vapor extraction system process & instrumentation diagram ..................................4-8Figure 4-6 Field-portable SVE process system and extraction/monitoring well completions..........4-9Figure 4-7 Results of regression analysis performed on the OU 12 SVE calibration data.............4-13Figure 5-1 Location and extent of modeling domains and SVE and Wireline sampler boringlocations...........................................................................................................................5-2Figure 5-2 TCE concentration depth profiles less than 350 g/kg for the OU 12 WirelineCPT soil sampling demonstration....................................................................................5-3Figure 5-3 TCE concentration depth profiles less than 1000 g/kg for the OU 12 WirelineCPT soil sampling demonstration....................................................................................5-5Figure 5-4 Soil samples collected from U12-1807 (30 to 33 feet bgs) containing LNAPL .............5-7Figure 5-5 Initial model of TCE contamination in soil, 100 g/kg iso-concentration surface,constructed using 294 Wireline soil samples from seven borings...................................5-9Figure 5-6 Initial model of TCE contamination in soil, 1000 g/kg iso-concentration surface,constructed using 294 Wireline soil samples from seven borings.................................5-10Figure 5-7 Revised model of TCE contamination in soil, 100 g/kg iso-concentration surface,constructed using 419 Wireline soil samples from 10 borings......................................5-11Figure 5-8 Revised model of TCE contamination in soil, 1000 g/kg iso-concentration surface,constructed using 419 Wireline oil samples from 10 borings .......................................5-12Figure 5-9 Final model of TCE contamination in soil, 100 g/kg iso-concentration surface,constructed using 599 Wireline soil samples from 16 borings......................................5-14Figure 5-10 Final model of TCE contamination in soil, 1000 g/kg iso-concentration surface,constructed using 599 Wireline soil samples from 16 borings......................................5-15iv

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