Source Zone Delineation Demonstration Report - Triad Resource ...

Source Zone Delineation Demonstration Report - Triad Resource ...

Source Zone Delineation Demonstration Report - Triad Resource ...


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Table 5-7. Comparison of Measured and Predicted Vacuum DistributionMonitoringWell 1Distance fromExtraction Well(ft)MeasuredVacuum(inches of water)PredictedVacuum 2(inches of water)U12-VP1 31.6 2.50 2.50U12-VP3 58.0 1.40 1.10U12-VP4 59.5 0.02 0.50U12-VP5 46.8 2.40 1.50U12-VP6 49.5 0.12 1.30U12-VP7 66.8 0.90 0.801 Vapor extraction conducted at U12-VP2.2 Predicted vacuum at 40 to 45 feet bgs during vapor extraction from U12-VP2 for 6 hours at 12 scfmfor two-layer permeability field (10 and 100 Darcy) using VENT3D. Sequential Forward ModelingPredicted TCE concentration profiles in the vapor phase were generated for each extraction well using asequential forward modeling scheme and various source configurations (areal extent, depth,concentration, and location). A summary of the modeling scenarios investigated is provided in Table 5-8and the spatial location of each simulated source area in relation to the vapor extraction/monitoring wellsis shown in Figures 5-40a through 5-40e. During the investigation, over 160 scenarios were numericallysimulated. Due to the elevated concentrations of TCE observed in extraction wells U12-VP1 and U12-VP2, these wells were used for the initial comparison between the predicted TCE concentration profilesand the concentration profiles observed during vapor extraction operations at OU 12. This demonstrationfocused on the effect of single homogeneous source zones in relation to predicted TCE concentrationprofiles in the vapor phase; the effect of multiple and/or heterogenous sources were not investigated aspart of this demonstration. A formal inversion scheme would be required to assess the effect of multiple,heterogeneous sources due to the vast number of permutations associated with more than one source zone.A comparison between the predicted and the measured TCE concentration profiles in the vapor phase atextraction wells U12-VP1 and U12-VP2 for source area 1 is shown in Figure 5-41. <strong>Source</strong> area 1 islocated approximately 43 feet north of U12-VP1 and 13 feet north of U12-VP2, and represents asimulated TCE source 20 feet by 10 feet in areal extent and 10 to 15 feet thick. An initial sourceconcentration ranging from 100 to 10,000 mg/kg prior to a 30-year diffusion period was investigated. Asthe initial source concentration is increased from 100 mg/kg to 4,500 mg/kg, the predicted TCEconcentration profile for U12-VP1 changes from a downward to an upward trend, characteristic of thatobserved during actual vapor extraction operations. Although the predicted concentration profile issimilar to that observed in the field, the predicted TCE concentrations are approximately two times themeasured values. Additionally, the predicted response at U12-VP2 is significantly different than themeasured response.March 2003 5-59 OU 12 <strong>Demonstration</strong> <strong>Report</strong>Final

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