Source Zone Delineation Demonstration Report - Triad Resource ...

Source Zone Delineation Demonstration Report - Triad Resource ...

Source Zone Delineation Demonstration Report - Triad Resource ...


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Table 6-4. Estimated Cost for OU 12 Vadose <strong>Zone</strong> Investigation Using SVE/DSITMSTask Duration Quantity Unit Unit Cost Total Cost Assumptions(days)Project PlansDraft Work Plan 40 1 ls $20,000 $20,000 Assume standard cost and preparation time for project plans (WP, HASP, and SAP).USAF Review 30 --- --- --- --- Assume standard 30-day review cycle.Final Work Plan 21 1 ls $5,000 $5,000 Assume standard time and cost to respond to comments and modify project plans.Subtotal $25,000SVE InvestigationCoordination and Planning 5 40 hr $65 $2,600 Includes subcontractor coordinate, site preparation, utilities clearance, cleanup, and IDW disposal.Vapor Probe Well Installation 1- mobilization/demobilization --- 1.5 hr $110 $165 Assume local mobilization/demobilization cost.- DPT rig with operator --- 10 hr $140 $1,400 Assume seven 0.75-inch diameter vapor extraction wells installed from approx. 30 to 50 ft bgs.- field geologist --- 10 hr $65 $650 Assume 10 hrs for field geologist oversight.- materials --- 7 ea $250 $1,750 Assume $250 per well based on actual costs.SVE Process System Setup 4- field engineer --- 40 hr $85 $3,400 Assume 10 hrs per day for 4 days to construct skid-mounted SVE process system.- field geologist --- 40 hr $65 $2,600 Assume 10 hrs per day for 4 days to construct skid-mounted SVE process system.- materials --- 1 ls $1,000 $1,000 Includes 0.75-inch PVC piping, rotometers, and vacuum guages.SVE Operations 5- field engineer --- 60 hr $85 $5,100 Assumes 12 hrs per day for 5 days to conducted step tests at 7 locations.- field geologist --- 60 hr $65 $3,900 Assumes 12 hrs per day for 5 days to conducted step tests at 7 locations.- field generator and diesel --- 5 day $125 $625 Includes generator and diesel cost to operator blower 12 hrs per day for 5 days.- on-site laboratory analysis --- 5 day $3,500 $17,500 Analyses for TCE, PCE, DCE, and vinyl chloride; assumes no off-site confirmation analyses.- data evaluation --- 24 hr $115 $2,760 Assumes 24 hrs for engineer to evaluate SVE data and make recommendations for soil sampling.Subtotal $43,450Limited Soil InvestigationCoordination and Planning --- 8 hr $65 $520 Assumes addition 8 hrs of labor for coordination to transition from SVE to soil sampling.Sample Collection 3- mobilization/demobilization --- 1.5 hr $110 $165 Assume local mobilization/demobilization cost.- DPT rig with operator --- 36 hr $140 $5,040 Drill 6 locations to 60 ft bgs with sample collection every 2 ft starting at 20 ft bgs for a total of 20- drillers assistant --- 36 hr $45 $1,620 samples per location. Assume 2 locations per day = 3 days x 12 hr/day = 36 hrs.- field geologist --- 36 hr $65 $2,340 Assume 3 days x 12 hr/day = 36 hrs for field geologist to log cores and collect samples.- bentonite grout --- 12 bag $25 $300 Assume 2 bags of bentonite grout per location; 6 total locations.- on-site laboratory analysis --- 3 day $3,500 $10,500 Analyses for TCE, PCE, DCE, and vinyl chloride; assumes no off-site confirmation analyses.Subtotal $20,485Remedial Investion (RI) <strong>Report</strong>Update of CSM 10 48 hr $90 $4,320 Assume an average rate of $65/hr for geologist and $115/hr for hydrogeologist/engineer.Draft RI <strong>Report</strong> 30 120 hr $90 $10,800 Assume an average rate of $65/hr for geologist and $115/hr for hydrogeologist/engineer.USAF Review 30 --- --- --- --- Assume standard 30-day review cycle.Final RI <strong>Report</strong> 21 40 hr $90 $3,600 Assume an average rate of $65/hr for geologist and $115/hr for hydrogeologist/engineer.ERPIMS Data Package --- 48 hr $70 $3,360 No ERPIMS-formatted electronic data package from field lab but abbreviated analyte list.Subtotal $22,080IDW Disposal (Soil)Drum and Hazardous Waste Tranportation --- 1 ls $250 $250 Assume 40 gallons of TCE-contaminated soil generated during sampling.Hazardous Waste Disposal (Incineration) --- 525 lb $0.29 $152 Assume 525 lb TCE-contaminated soil per location using 2-inch diameter DPT rod, 40 ft totalRCRA State Tipping Fee --- 1 ton $28 $28 depth per location, and bulk soil density of 100 lb/cubic foot; 6 total locationsSubtotal $430Travel 35 hr $65 $2,275 Assume 1.5 hr/day for 13 days for field geologist and 10 days for field engineer.Subtotal 200 --- --- --- $113,720Project Management --- --- --- --- $11,372 Assume 10% of project subtotal cost for project management.Total $125,092March 2003 6-8OU 12 <strong>Demonstration</strong> <strong>Report</strong>Final

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