Aireys Inlet Recreation Infrastructure Strategy ... - Surf Coast Shire

Aireys Inlet Recreation Infrastructure Strategy ... - Surf Coast Shire

Aireys Inlet Recreation Infrastructure Strategy ... - Surf Coast Shire


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NO. OBJECTIVE STRATEGY ACTIONS5 To utilise the GilbertStreet and BoundaryRoad site forrelaxation, leisure andexercise, in keepingwith opportunities toprovide environmentalappreciation/education andconserve biologicalheritage.–– Undertake limitedwork on the GilbertStreet and BoundaryRoad Reserve toaccommodate walkingand environmentalappreciation/education activities,in line with thedevelopmentprinciples of theOpen Space Plan;for nature reserves.–– Consider creating two loop trails by connecting theexisting tracks on the reserve (see Chapter 7.4)Part 1 <strong>Strategy</strong> 15–– Prepare a concisemanagement planfor the reserve–– Prepare a plan to address:management of trails and infrastructure such aspicnic facilities, fencing and signageprotection of vulnerable flora and fauna, re-vegetation or rehabilitationthe limits of acceptable change and activitydomestic or feral animals and weedsmonitoring of change and usemarketing information and interpretation6 To market availablerecreationinfrastructure andopportunities toresidents and visitors.–– Market the recreationinfrastructureIn <strong>Aireys</strong> <strong>Inlet</strong> tolikely users–– Package information about the available and developing recreation infrastructure(eg all parks and reserves, trails, indoor facilities, programs, community clubs andorganisations, as well as community, visitor and sports facilities), publish in printand electronic media and distribute through resident, visitor and Council services.133096

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