A study of Navajo symbolism - Free History Ebooks

A study of Navajo symbolism - Free History Ebooks

A study of Navajo symbolism - Free History Ebooks


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6 4 A STUDY OF NAVAJO SYMBOLISMa. The ladder or cane coming from theearth, which ended all revelations. 16b. The dark circle is the hole <strong>of</strong> emergence.c. The yellow represents the pollen usedto pray over the hole <strong>of</strong> emergence. "Eventoday, we (the informant and author) couldgo and pray over this and give pollen for ourgood health."39. Black Owl. He is a god and is a fortuneteller who tells you what will happen in thefuture.40. Blue or Gray Owl. This whole ceremonyis called Owl-Raised-Ute, or it is sometimescalled Two-Days-with-the-Owl story.There are few singers who know this.41. Gifts. These are gifts which are givento the Owl nowadays in return for what hetells:a. Turquoise.b. White Shell (bead).c. Oyster Shell.d. Biack Obsidian (jet).e. Gray Obsidian.There are prayers said over all <strong>of</strong> these, asbefore.Plate II: Branch <strong>of</strong> the Big Starway.1. Monster Slayer. Above his head is darkness.These figures represent certain gods:2. Dawn. The yellow represents the sunlight.3. Sun.4. Moon.5. a. This is the North Star. Big Dipper. 176. Big Star (Scorpio). There is a Blackand a Blue Big Star: "Black and Blue Starsdown toward the south." 187. Little stars, black and blue, or slim firstone (part <strong>of</strong> Orion). 19 "Little black and bluestars down toward the south."8. a. Black Big Star is in the southeasternheavens. 20skies.isb. Grav (dark) Big Star. 21c. Blue Big Star is in the northern skies. 2 -d. Yellow Big Star is in the southerne. White Big Star, "igniter <strong>of</strong> thunder,"near the center <strong>of</strong> the skies.f. Silver (red?) Big Star, "igniter <strong>of</strong> flashlio;htnin°;," is in the southwestern skies.(Continued fro?n p. 63.)the right ones, based upon the descriptive materialwithin each ceremony. Father Berard Haile, 1938a,pp. 640, 641, has pointed out that an entire ritual mavbe shared in common by several chantways. Thepopular and strong ceremonials grow as the weakerones are absorbed into the repertory <strong>of</strong> the strongerone. This apparently also accounts for the extinction<strong>of</strong> chantways. Added to this difficulty <strong>of</strong> identificationis the problem <strong>of</strong> chants having two or morenames, besides an occasional nickname."This refers to White Shell Woman or WhiteBead Woman going to the west, at which time thegods said they would not be in direct contact withthe Earth Surface People any longer. Fishier, 1953,p. 92.17 Haile, 1947, p. 4. In this drawing, by the informant,there are less stars than actually exist in the BigDipper, but the pattern is such that the Big Dipperas a part <strong>of</strong> Ursa Major is recognizable. Dr. Vogt, ina personal communication, has reminded me <strong>of</strong> severalfactors which may influence the apparent differencesbetween the description by my informant andthose represented by Father Berard, Dr. Tozzer, andthe actual positions. Those Navaho who do knowstar lore, divide the heavens differently from one another,with few representations being as they actuallyexist in the heavens. Also to fulfill the purpose <strong>of</strong> thepicture writing the ones made by my informant didnot have to be exact replicas to fulfill their purpose."Haile, 1947, p. 7, notes that this star representsFirst Man, who was the author <strong>of</strong> witchcraft, inhuman form. The number <strong>of</strong> stars represented hereare fewer in number than actually exist, but somesimilarities are found. In the drawing, the constellationHyades, lacking two stars, is an addition toOrion. Although lacking these two stars, the drawingis very similar to Tozzer's (1908, p. 31) rattle markingnomenclature, rather than the actual appearance, butHyades is more similar to the actual appearance <strong>of</strong>the stars. Haile's data do not agree with Tozzer andhe believes Hyades and Pleides are assigned to Oriondue to ritualistic significance."The drawing <strong>of</strong> Orion, Scorpio and Ursa Majorfollow the Navaho custom <strong>of</strong> representing humanparts, feet, arms, head, etc., in Haile, 1947, p. 7. However,the drawing here, follows Tozzer's drawings,1908, p. 31, more than they do Haile's.30 Haile, 1947, p. 8. Little has been published onthe Big Starway. Without more information it is difficultto tell whether this ceremony is a part <strong>of</strong> it ornot. Many similarities exist, the names <strong>of</strong> the constellationsand other stars, with the exception <strong>of</strong> GrayStar; Thunder; Big Snake; Wind Bear; Big Star;one <strong>of</strong> the War Twins; and the use <strong>of</strong> five stanzasongs.'This star is not noted in Haile, 1947.'Haile, 1947, does note the stars in 8c, d, e, f.

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