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The south-western dwarf shrub heaths 125Fig. 1. A south-facing slope of anesker at Listarum, Smedstorp,Skl"me. Rich dry meadow vegetationincluding Pulsatilla vulgaris(Anemone pulsatilla), Viscaria vulgaris,etc. Note striking differencefrom the picture below. June 8,1964. Photo L. Pahlsson.associated. On the lower parts of a slope, e.g.,adjacent to a fen, Cornus suecica (only in someareas), Galium saxatile, Molinia coerulea, Sieglingiadecumbens, Trichophorum caespitosum (usually ssp.germa.nicum) and Leucobryum glaucurn may be ofimportance to this vegetation. Especially on slopesfacing north the moss layer is well developed. Onsouth-facing slopes the mosses are at least partlyreplaced by Cladonia spp. (cf. BocHER 1943 , p. 23).In such areas in Skane where Call'una heaths arerather rare, it is often observed that the Calluna­Vacciniurn community (usually rich in mosses andwith Anemone nemo?'osa and Galium saxatileinmixed) is confined to the north-facing slopes. Onthe southern sides, the heath may be replaced by agrassland vegetation in which e.g. Anemonep1tlsatilla, Dianthus deltoides, Viscaria vulgaris,Arrhenatherum pratensis, and Tortula ruralis arefound (P AHLSSON 1964).Recurrent burning, which occurred formerly,and grazing make the colonization of these hee,thsby trees and shrubs difficult. When left to themselvesthey are soon invaded at first by Juniperuscommunis (tolerates grazing when not too intense),Betula verrucosa and Pin us silvestris, then by othertrees from the surrounding forest. The burningswere made in the spring, probably with about 10years' interval in order to obtain better grazing.Observations at Mastocka in south-eastern Hallandindicate that both the graminids (e.g. AgrostisFig. 2. North-facing slope of the same esker with Juniperusand dominant Calluna vulgaris, together withVaccinium myrtillus, Deschampsia flexuosa, etc., andmosses. June 8, 1964. Photo L. Pahlsson.canina, Carex pilulifera, Descharnpsia flexuosa)and the herbs (e.g. Arnica montana, Antennariadioeca, H ieracium urnbellatum, Trientalis europaea)become more abundant after burning (cf. MALM-Acta Phytogeogr. Suec. 50

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