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38 GUNN AR LOHAMMARFig. ll. South side of Lake Labbas,Pite Lappmark, 40 km WNW ofArjeplog; lat. 66° 20'; alt. 488 m.The lake is l 7 km long and aboutl! km broad, and its annual waterlevel change is moderate. The longsides are bordered by rather steep,ice-pressed boulder barricades.Vascular plants are absent forkilometres along this shore; theyare met with mainly at the endsof the lake, where the shores havea different morphology. Thirteenspecies of vascular plants were seenin the lake. Aug. 29, 1962. PhotoG. Lohammar.Fig. 12. Exposed morainic shore on the eastern side of Lake Ann, province of Jamtland; lat . 63° 20'; alt. 525 m; area 59sq. km. The water vegetation is here very sparse down to about l m depth. Then follow mats of Isoetes lacustris, Lobeliaand Litorella with scattered groups of Myriophyllum alterniflorum and Ranunculus peltatus, etc. In the northernmostbay of the lake Elodea canadensis, Myriophyllum spicatum, Potamogeton rutilus, Oallit?·iche autumnalis, etc., grow abundantly.Aug. 23, 1964. Photo G. Lohammar. Compare Fig. 14!Acta Phytogeog1-. Suec. 50

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