Securing Biodiversity in Breckland - European Commission

Securing Biodiversity in Breckland - European Commission

Securing Biodiversity in Breckland - European Commission


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Figure 19. Total deposition of nitrogen (kg N ha -1 )across the UK <strong>in</strong> 2005. Source: Centre for Ecology andHydrology, UKDeleterious change <strong>in</strong> <strong>Breckland</strong> grass-heaths consistent with nitrogen impactsBio-monitor<strong>in</strong>g has been recommended as an early warn<strong>in</strong>g system for deleterious effects ofnitrogen deposition (Leith et al. 2005; Hall, Bealey and Wadsworth 2006). However, air pollutioneffects can be difficult to dist<strong>in</strong>guish from confound<strong>in</strong>g effects of changes <strong>in</strong> management. Effects ofnitrogen deposition can be exacerbated by changes <strong>in</strong> management, particularly a reduction <strong>in</strong>physical disturbance or periods with no or light graz<strong>in</strong>g.Cessation of graz<strong>in</strong>g management for decades dur<strong>in</strong>g the 20 th century allowed accumulation oforganic material on many heathland sites. Species such Yorkshire fog Holcus lanatus and Wavy-hairgrass Deschampsia flexuosa are highly competitive <strong>in</strong> nitrogen enriched environments. H. lanatus isnow often dom<strong>in</strong>ant on areas restored by scrub removal or bracken control.Dur<strong>in</strong>g the early 20 th century acid grass-heath vegetation (e.g. U1/H1), comprised acidiphiloussheep’s fescue - common bent grass Festuca ov<strong>in</strong>a-Agrostis capillaris grass-heath, and lichen heathvegetation (e.g. Watt 1940) while wavy hair grass Deschampsia flexuosa was almost entirely absent.This is <strong>in</strong> marked contrast to the dom<strong>in</strong>ance of Deschampsia flexuosa across large areas of <strong>Breckland</strong>heathland by the late 20 th century. At Lakenheath Warren, Alex Watt recorded wavy hair-grass D.flexuosa <strong>in</strong> just one patch <strong>in</strong> 1936, but stated that by 1960 it formed several colonies. By 1971 GigiCrompton noted that "The most strik<strong>in</strong>g change <strong>in</strong> the vegetation of Lakenheath Warren has been <strong>in</strong>100

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