Securing Biodiversity in Breckland - European Commission

Securing Biodiversity in Breckland - European Commission

Securing Biodiversity in Breckland - European Commission


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The area of grass-heath decl<strong>in</strong>ed by 76% with<strong>in</strong> the 20 th century:1900: 28,932 ha1934: 31,922 ha1950: 9,268 ha1980: 4,529 ha 11990s: c 7,000 ha 21estimated by Farrell (1993)2 the Natural England Natural Area Profile estimate of grass-heath extent is 2,471 ha greater,as it also <strong>in</strong>cludes more recent reverted arable with<strong>in</strong> STANTA <strong>in</strong> the estimate of the currentresource.Changes <strong>in</strong> Fen, Wetland and River Valley habitatsFens were once extensive along the <strong>Breckland</strong>/Fenland boundary but have been almost entirelydestroyed. Mosaics of species-rich fen meadow and wet grassland survive at Pashford Poors Fenand Lakenheath Poors Fen, for example, but these are small fragments of formerly extensive fenand wet grassland reclaimed prior to the 1940s. Reclamation of further areas on the fen edgeoccurred with the Great Ouse Flood Protection Scheme post-1950s (Rothera 1989). Rema<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g sitesare detrimentally affected by adjacent dra<strong>in</strong>age and are vulnerable to groundwater abstraction(Rothera 1998).The spr<strong>in</strong>g-fed valley fens have been vulnerable to dra<strong>in</strong>age on adjacent farmland, subsequentdry<strong>in</strong>g out and scrub <strong>in</strong>vasion. Abandonment of traditional graz<strong>in</strong>g, and/or cutt<strong>in</strong>g of reed, sawsedge and peat fuel dur<strong>in</strong>g the 20 th century led to willow and alder scrub <strong>in</strong>vasion and a loss ofwildlife value <strong>in</strong> rema<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g <strong>Breckland</strong> fens (Rothera 1989). P<strong>in</strong>gos, the relict peri-glacial waterbodiesthat hold important fen and <strong>in</strong>vertebrate communities, occur at high densities with<strong>in</strong> <strong>Breckland</strong>(Walmsley 2008), but have suffered loss through agricultural improvement and afforestation. Therema<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g p<strong>in</strong>go sites have also been subject to scrubb<strong>in</strong>g up and succession to woodland, withresult<strong>in</strong>g shad<strong>in</strong>g and organic mud accumulation from leaf litter as a result of a lack of graz<strong>in</strong>g afterthe 1940s (Rothera 1998).The rivers of <strong>Breckland</strong> and their adjacent wetlands have experienced substantial change andmodification. Channel eng<strong>in</strong>eer<strong>in</strong>g works altered the course and profiles of rivers from the 17 thCentury through to the 1970s (Rothera 1998). Reclamation for agriculture and subsequentimprovements led to a substantial loss of adjacent wetlands, such as wet grassland and fen,especially along the shallower valleys of the Wissey and the Lark (Rothera 1998). However, someriver valley wetlands have survived, with concentrations of County Wildlife Sites on the Little Ousedownstream of Brandon and on the Lark near Cavenham, for example. However, these are oftenmuch altered, be<strong>in</strong>g drier, more fragmented and less species rich than a century ago. W G Clarkedescribed redshank and snipe <strong>in</strong> nest<strong>in</strong>g wet meadows, but these are now absent from <strong>Breckland</strong> asbreed<strong>in</strong>g species.As with the spr<strong>in</strong>g-fed fens, the abandonment of traditional uses of riverside resources has led tothe development of sallow car and wet woodland. The plant<strong>in</strong>g of poplar <strong>in</strong> Thetford Forest alongthe Little Ouse has altered the character of the riverside fenlands. However, as these plantationsare abandoned and decay a rich mix of open fen, carr and stand<strong>in</strong>g dead wood is develop<strong>in</strong>g. Amore <strong>in</strong>tact series of riverside habitats has been preserved along the Wissey <strong>in</strong> STANTA.17

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