Securing Biodiversity in Breckland - European Commission

Securing Biodiversity in Breckland - European Commission

Securing Biodiversity in Breckland - European Commission


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Recommendation: Natural England and the County Archaeological Services meet to agree generic guidel<strong>in</strong>es thatcan be used to decide which sub-set of physical disturbance operations require furtherconsultation and where. One example may be to allow rotovation or shallow plough<strong>in</strong>g onany site on previously arable soils.Cross-county partnershipsThe Norfolk/Suffolk border has long operated as a barrier to effective and coord<strong>in</strong>ated delivery ofbiodiversity <strong>in</strong> <strong>Breckland</strong>. Most organisations and <strong>in</strong>itiatives operate either north or south of thecounty boundary, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g biological record<strong>in</strong>g and monitor<strong>in</strong>g schemes, management advice andpractice. In recent years this has begun to change, through <strong>in</strong>creased partnership fostered by theclose liaison of the Norfolk and Suffolk <strong>Biodiversity</strong> Partnerships and through structural changes <strong>in</strong>NE.Recommendation: Organisations should operate to ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong> and enhance cross-border <strong>in</strong>tegration andjo<strong>in</strong>t work<strong>in</strong>g, both with<strong>in</strong> and between organisations, to ensure collaborative work<strong>in</strong>gat the landscape scale, to co-ord<strong>in</strong>ate efforts and understand<strong>in</strong>g and to share bestpractice. It is important that both Local County Records Centres cont<strong>in</strong>ue to liaise and ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong>the <strong>Breckland</strong> <strong>Biodiversity</strong> Audit database as an updated and live resource, available tomanagers for strategic plann<strong>in</strong>g.Agri-environment schemesIt is self-evident from the f<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>gs of the Audit that the priority species <strong>in</strong> <strong>Breckland</strong> are far fromconf<strong>in</strong>ed to the designated sites, both statutory and non-statutory (Figure 26). Indeed, some keyecological processes that support priority species may be most readily achieved with<strong>in</strong> the widerarable landscape. For the guild of species requir<strong>in</strong>g disturbed and ungrazed conditions <strong>in</strong> particular,the establishment of cultivated marg<strong>in</strong>s under the ESA, ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong>ed and extended underEnvironmental Stewardship, is a key mechanism for support<strong>in</strong>g this biodiversity <strong>in</strong> the area.Environmental Stewardship is also likely to be a key mechanism <strong>in</strong> promot<strong>in</strong>g connectivity onfarmland (discussed below) and between designated sites, <strong>in</strong> order to create more resilient ecologicalnetworks.Recommendation: Ensure Natural England cont<strong>in</strong>ues to target <strong>Breckland</strong> for agri-environment fund<strong>in</strong>g, with anemphasis on options and <strong>in</strong>itiatives which support priority species and create and ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong>resilient ecological networks.189

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