The World of Words: Vocabulary for College Success ... - eLibrary

The World of Words: Vocabulary for College Success ... - eLibrary

The World of Words: Vocabulary for College Success ... - eLibrary


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<strong>Words</strong> to Learn 43An accord between the workers and management settledthe strike.<strong>The</strong> skater’s family was in accord with his decision to withdrawfrom the competition.Of his own accord Mark decided to quit the football team.(“Of his own accord” means making his own decision.)b. to give or grant (verb)Iranian lawyer Shirin Ebadi was accorded the 2003 NobelPeace Prize <strong>for</strong> her fight to protect human rights. Related Wordaccordance (noun) In accordance with school policy,students caught using illegal drugs will be expelled. Common Phrasesin accord with; reach an accord (reach an agreement);<strong>of</strong> one’s own accord (willingly); in accordance with(in agreement with)Terrell and Andre shookhands after they reachan accord.Copyright © Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.2. appease (verb) ß-pēza. to satisfy or calmTo appease his nosy friends, Carlos told them about hisdate.b. to achieve peace or satisfy by giving in to demandsGiving table scraps to dogs may temporarily appease them,but most will soon be begging <strong>for</strong> more.NOTE: When we appease someone, we <strong>of</strong>ten sacrifice what is right orgood <strong>for</strong> temporary calm or relief.Courtesy author

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