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the corporate ticKet marKetplace - ALSD

the corporate ticKet marKetplace - ALSD


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Editor’s noTE by Jared FrankKnocking on Opportunity’s DoorThere are seemingly infinite ways tocompartmentalize human beings. Ilike to debate with friends that <strong>the</strong>most telling categorization of ournature has three groups: <strong>the</strong> initiators and innovators,<strong>the</strong> complainers <strong>the</strong>n forgetters, and<strong>the</strong> apathists or don’t-give-a-shitters. What’sinteresting is each group believes it is entitledto <strong>the</strong> same promotions, <strong>the</strong> same accolades, <strong>the</strong>same reputations. But it doesn’t work that way.O<strong>the</strong>r ways to describe <strong>the</strong>se three classificationsare <strong>the</strong> self-motivated, those who must bemotivated by o<strong>the</strong>rs, and those who cannot bemotivated at all. Now ask yourself: Which oneam I? Which one do I want to be?In my high school statistics class, I learnedabout normal distribution – <strong>the</strong> famous bellcurve that magically maps data sets with remarkableprecision. Now, I have nei<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong>memory to recall how it works, nor you <strong>the</strong>desire to read about it, so this note isn’t a mathlesson. Quickly though, what I do remember tobe important from probability <strong>the</strong>ory is if wetake a representative sample of an entire population,in embarrassingly simplistic terms, approximately70% of <strong>the</strong> set will fall within onestandard deviation from <strong>the</strong> mean, or average.And, again using <strong>the</strong> same generous rounding,<strong>the</strong> remaining 30% of <strong>the</strong> set falls equallywithin ei<strong>the</strong>r tail of <strong>the</strong> curve.Now why <strong>the</strong> heck am I bringing any of thisup? Well, I don’t have any empirical evidenceto support <strong>the</strong> following claim o<strong>the</strong>r than myundocumented personal observations, but I see<strong>the</strong> 70% bell curve majority of Americans asproblem ignorers – or status-quo maintainers ifyou require a slightly more positive spin. Thisassertion states bluntly that in any population(sportsbiz included), over three-quarters of usare NOT agents of change by ourselves. We require<strong>the</strong> poke of a cattle prod to initiate action.What separates <strong>the</strong> doers from <strong>the</strong> bystandersis frequently <strong>the</strong> willingness to take risks.Most people don’t take significant chances becausewith risk comes inevitable and recurrentmistakes. But keep in mind <strong>the</strong> depth of anymistake is matched by <strong>the</strong> potential height ofan action’s success. If you want to experiencegreat achievement, you have to risk tankinggreatly.Now more than ever, we – sportsbiz specificallyand across <strong>the</strong> board – need risk-takers.Leaders with initiative. Leaders who create.Leaders who listen to and observe a marketplace,identify its gaps, and deliver solutions.Leaders who dramatically pursue <strong>the</strong>ir instinctsand ideas with thoughtful confidence and withdecisive haste.Now, you don’t have to be Tim Leiweke tostrive for risk tolerance. We all can be leadersfor risk on relative scales. One of my personalgauges to distinguish calculated from recklessrisk starts with a simple question: Does this decisionhave <strong>the</strong> potential to cost <strong>the</strong> companysignificant money? If <strong>the</strong> answer is between “noway” and “not likely” (and many are), <strong>the</strong>n I gofor it. I don’t need every action that I take to bevalidated, and nei<strong>the</strong>r do you. Don’t let perfectionbecome <strong>the</strong> enemy of completion.This approach is an overly-simplistic way toself-develop a comfort zone that accommodatesrisk. For all you managers out <strong>the</strong>re, full disclosure:I have little management experience. ButI’ve produced my best work and achieved mygreatest success in environments that encouragerisk-taking and creative freedom, while showingclemency for minor mistakes.If you want to be a part of <strong>the</strong> leading 15%for positive change, you must be a person ofmotion. You must proactively go knocking onopportunity’s door ra<strong>the</strong>r than waiting for itto come to you. It is action that abuts success.The movers and shakers, not <strong>the</strong> onlookers, are<strong>the</strong> ones who reach higher levels of prosperity.By doing more, trying more, innovating more,risking more, <strong>the</strong> doers inevitably make moremistakes. But because <strong>the</strong>y also don’t stagnate,<strong>the</strong>y generate more success as well.How does your team tolerate and encourage risk and creativity?Email me at jared@alsd.com.Connect with me onwww.linkedin.com/in/jaredfrank and follow meon Twitter @JChrstophrFrank.Here is a sampling of my tweets:University of Cincinnati hopes to add suites to NippertStadium. Premium seating and o<strong>the</strong>r stadiumimprovements are needed to sustainUC’s financial future.Graffiti art and suites? This mural in an executive boxat Liverpool’s Anfield is pretty gnarly.A new home for <strong>the</strong> Detroit Red Wings is pitched toState lawmakers. The new multipurpose events centerwould be part of a much largerentertainment district.Sketches of a new NBA/NHL arena in Seattle arereleased. The current building site is <strong>the</strong> SODOneighborhood south of Safeco Field.UNLV Now could add $400 Million into <strong>the</strong> Las Vegasarea. The project includes a proposed stadium thatcould attract 15-20 big events annually.The Phoenix Suns are having “Satisfaction GuaranteeNight” on December 6th against <strong>the</strong> Mavericks. If fansdon’t like <strong>the</strong> game experience,<strong>the</strong>y can get <strong>the</strong>ir money back.Excited to connect with <strong>the</strong> Indians and <strong>ALSD</strong> memberRyan Robbins to discuss <strong>the</strong> new Premium Club atProgressive Field. Looks to be a great addition for <strong>the</strong>Nor<strong>the</strong>ast Ohio market.The seat-upgrade app space is getting crowded.Add Mascot Secret to <strong>the</strong> list.Legends is meeting with Sioux Falls-area businessesabout <strong>the</strong> new Denny Sanford Premier Center. Theinterviews will help determine <strong>the</strong> premium seatingdetails in <strong>the</strong> arena.14 | S E A T | www.alsd.com | #SEATWinter2013

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