the corporate ticKet marKetplace - ALSD

the corporate ticKet marKetplace - ALSD

the corporate ticKet marKetplace - ALSD


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Announcing a New Corporate Ticketing ConferenceCTIC: Corporate Ticket Impact Conference2013CTICCorporate TicketImpact ConferenceApril 16, 2013MetLife StadiumFor buyers and sellers of premium seatingintended to maximize <strong>the</strong> value of <strong>corporate</strong>ticket assetsThe Corporate Ticket Marketplace is undergoinga paradigm shift. What used to work no longer worksas well when it comes to selling premium seats.As a result of <strong>the</strong> marketplace shift, <strong>the</strong> <strong>ALSD</strong> ispresenting a one-day Corporate Ticket Impact Conference(CTIC, pronounced C-tick) intended to solve <strong>the</strong>pain points that many corporations feel currently whenit comes to <strong>the</strong> millions of dollars of ticket assets <strong>the</strong>ypurchase.This is a show with a point-of-view from <strong>the</strong> premiumseat ticket end user.Subjects covered at this April 16th conference atMetLife Stadium, home of Super Bowl 2014, will include:• Ticket Utilization• ROI and ROO• Ticket Management, De-Bundling• Electronic Ticket Transfer• Sourcing Inventory for Major Events• How to Truly Entertain Your Best Customers• Tickets and Technology• The Fan Experience• Buyer Meets Seller“We decided to do this show after we could clearly seethat <strong>the</strong> corporations and teams were not on <strong>the</strong> samepage in terms of marketing objectives,” says Bill Dorsey,Chairman of <strong>the</strong> <strong>ALSD</strong>. “Teams were too often selling realestate; corporations were buying <strong>the</strong> experience andreturn on <strong>the</strong>ir business objectives.”“What is needed is a better understanding of businessgoals and objectives,” continues Dorsey. “Our annualSuite Holder Focus Group at <strong>the</strong> <strong>ALSD</strong> Conference eachyear is almost always our most highly attended session.We wanted to expand upon what we have learned from<strong>the</strong>se sessions. CTIC allows us to do that. Teams canunderstand better <strong>the</strong> <strong>corporate</strong> objectives, and corporationscan better understand how <strong>the</strong> teams operate.”CTIC is expected to draw between 300 and 500 attendees.More corporations than teams are expected toattend. There is a $500 cost for <strong>the</strong> day at MetLife Stadium;it does include breakfast, lunch, and a reception andtour of <strong>the</strong> $1.6 billion MetLife Stadium. Also included arenearly 50 speakers and 20 sessions.For more information, go to www.CTIC2013.com.Or call:Bill DorseyChairman<strong>ALSD</strong>513-674-0555 x102Bill@alsd.com62 | S E A T | www.alsd.com | #SEATWinter2013

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