NAked Warrior - ZANDERBILT

NAked Warrior - ZANDERBILT

NAked Warrior - ZANDERBILT


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31<br />

T H E P U R P O S E F U L P R I M I T I V E<br />

Better To Use a Lousy System with<br />

Great Intensity Than A Sophisticated<br />

System Halfheartedly<br />

When an individual suddenly and consistently trains the body intensely using new methods<br />

the body responds. I’ve seen people obtain incredible results from lousy exercise systems<br />

by generating incredible training intensity and applying Herculean physical effort. I’ve<br />

seen other people obtain terrible results using incredibly effective exercise strategies as a<br />

direct result of sub-maximal effort and piss-poor application. The best of both worlds is to<br />

combine a superior training regimen with gut-busting effort and consistent application.<br />

Result-producing exercise routines and effective diets need to be rotated on a regularly<br />

reoccurring basis. Using a favored mode, method or tactic exclusively and ceaselessly, is<br />

stagnation-on-a-stick. Sameness is the progress killer and the athletic elite accept the<br />

inevitability of becoming stagnant. They actually anticipate stagnation ahead of time and<br />

figure its arrival into future plans. They know that when stagnation arrives the best way to<br />

rekindle momentum is to construct a new exercise or dietary approach that contrasts dramatically<br />

with what they have been doing.<br />

One mistake repeatedly made by fitness buffs (too clever by half) is to alter the current<br />

effective approach ever-so-slightly. They do not understand the need for a dramatic alteration.<br />

Dramatic contrast jolts the body and stagnation morphs into momentum. Slight<br />

modifications are easily neutralized by a body that has figured out the status quo antidote.<br />

It is a relatively easy thing for the organism to adjust to a slight change in the current status<br />

quo. It takes guts to jettison a program that has been proven effective. It is psychologically<br />

difficult to toss a system we’ve grown to love. But we don’t throw it away forever: categorize<br />

it as effective and simply set it back on the shelf for future use. The athletic elite have<br />

an arsenal of proven effective training and eating regimens, hung in their philosophic closets<br />

like a row of clean shirts on hangers.<br />

Don’t Turn a Once Effective System<br />

into a Religion<br />

People fall into a reoccurring trap: they obtain spectacular results from a particular resistance,<br />

nutrition or cardio program and attempt to turn the effective regimen into a religion.<br />

They become acolytes and adherents and feel compelled to use the precise regimen that<br />

worked for them at one time in the past. They develop an unhealthy allegiance that often<br />

For complete information on Marty Gallagher’s The Purposeful Primitive, or to<br />

purchase the physical book, visit http://www.dragondoor.com/b37.html now

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