NAked Warrior - ZANDERBILT

NAked Warrior - ZANDERBILT

NAked Warrior - ZANDERBILT


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57<br />

T H E P U R P O S E F U L P R I M I T I V E<br />

Back in the late eighties I ended up taking a job in Bridgeport, Connecticut. Anyone from<br />

Connecticut knows Bridgeport was one rough freaking place. Incongruously a yacht club<br />

had sprung up next to a waste recycling plant in the heart of Bridgeport, right next to a<br />

notorious ghetto housing project. My friend Bobby relocated to Connecticut to take a job<br />

working for his brother’s import/export firm. He asked me to help crew his 28 foot, twinscrew<br />

Sea Ray from Deal, Maryland to its new home at the Bridgeport Marina. It was a<br />

terrific trip and as it turned out, it was a ploy by the brothers to lure me into taking a job<br />

with their firm. They enticed me by paying me way more than I was worth to do way less<br />

than I was capable of. On the first day at the new job Bobby walked into my office. I was<br />

nervously unpacking my stuff and trying to get my bearings.<br />

“You look tense—let’s go get a drink!” This was 10am on Monday. But hey what the hell,<br />

he was my new boss. “Meet the new boss—not the same as the old boss.” We drove to the<br />

Bridgeport Marina in his new red Corvette. We arrived and parked. We walked towards<br />

the brand new complex of shops that lined a mini-boardwalk. The shops and boardwalk<br />

bordered a long line of docks that housed hundreds of boats. Suddenly a smell, make that<br />

a stench, hit me. It was putrid and overpowering. “Bobby, what in the hell is that godawful<br />

smell?” Bobby, a rail-thin bon vivant with a wicked Jack Nicholson smile, gestured<br />

towards a sewage reprocessing plant next to the marina; it loomed like a building in Blade<br />

Runner. “That smell is the reason the son-of-a-bitches that built this marina bought the<br />

property for so freaking cheap!” He laughed.<br />

The shops and bars that lined the boardwalk were shiny, new and impressive. He led me<br />

to the centerpiece building, a massive bar/restaurant. We went inside and it was impressive:<br />

a huge replica of the Titanic hung over a four sided bar. Since it was 11am, Bobby ordered<br />

us a brace of Bloody Marys. The place was packed. “Welcome to your first day of work!”<br />

We clinked glasses and surveyed the decadence. I munched on the celery stalk and noted<br />

how strong and properly peppery the Bloody Mary was. I was mystified. The bar was full,<br />

the crowd boisterous and it was all happening at such an early hour. I asked semi-rhetorically,<br />

“What in the hell are all these people doing here at 11am on a Monday morning?<br />

Why are they getting crocked at a beautiful bar located in place that smells like shit?” I was<br />

serious.<br />

Bob ogled the attractive women. “We could be back at work doing something mindless.<br />

Besides I thought you were a writer. Didn’t you ever read The Great Gatsby? We are hanging<br />

out with the idle elite. Egg Harbor is just a hop skip and jump down the road. These are<br />

the chuckleheaded parasitical offspring of Tom and Daisy Buchanan. This is the local aristocracy<br />

shaking off the effects of their fabulous weekend and starting the new week off on<br />

just the right foot. Everyone’s having a few belts before firing up their boats and heading<br />

out to sunbathe. C’mon! Get in stride and go with the flow!” He leered at a passing<br />

For complete information on Marty Gallagher’s The Purposeful Primitive, or to<br />

purchase the physical book, visit http://www.dragondoor.com/b37.html now

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