NAked Warrior - ZANDERBILT

NAked Warrior - ZANDERBILT

NAked Warrior - ZANDERBILT


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53<br />

T H E P U R P O S E F U L P R I M I T I V E<br />

down into the hole they are in…as Dylan prophesized back in the 60’s. Dylan’s my man.<br />

“Don’t follow leaders, watch your parking meters.” I’ve lived by that code for decades.<br />

I surveyed the gym and they were everywhere, a herd, a school, a tribe, a freaking<br />

army…It was go time! Blank-faced mullets gathered everywhere: sitting or lying on top of<br />

every exercise machine and bench in the facility. I actually trembled a little and got a hot<br />

flash walking to the squat rack. I wanted to lash out and attack—this was my house and<br />

these irreverent punks were desecrating the sacred Steel House. The swarm was abuzz; each<br />

one in frantic motion, using pathetic pee-wee poundage and ridiculous, goofy exercise techniques<br />

that I’ve never seen before or since. I could only compare the maelstrom to an army<br />

of muscle-less drum majorettes twirling batons, but instead of batons they were frantically<br />

waving teeny dumbbells. Normally during the annual January frenzy, the Tribe represents<br />

a small percentage of the gym population: not this year, this year the school had swelled to<br />

alarming levels. I suppose it’s attributable to the upturn in the economy.<br />

This year the population had multiplied with astonishing rapidity. Compared to last year,<br />

the clan had quadrupled. The ancient Greeks postulated that the ideal physical proportion<br />

was sameness and the Grecian ideal was based upon geometrical perfection: the neck, arm<br />

and calf, the Grecians mused, should be identical in girth.<br />

“Measure and proportion always pass into beauty and excellence”<br />

Plato said that in Philibus. But Plato was flat freaking wrong Holmes! Plato never saw a<br />

modern gym mullet stroll in sporting the supposed ideal identical:11 inch neck, 11 inch<br />

arms and 11 inch calves; a 34 inch chest perfectly matched with a 34 inch waistline. Plus<br />

mullets all have outsized heads and tiny hands and feet. If Plato saw a modern mullet in all<br />

his resplendent glory, Plato would be forced to add lots of asterisks and provisos to his original<br />

thought about ‘measure and proportion always pass into beauty.’<br />

To make matters worse, the flock is no longer demur and frightened as in the good old<br />

days of yore. Nowadays Mullets have rights! Back in ancient times, when I was coming up<br />

“beat downs” did not end in lawsuits. The modern uppity mullets are a different breed:<br />

now they have freaking Mullet Rights Groups! The stigma of being branded as a murderer,<br />

or worse, a “mullet-a-phobic” makes us predators reluctant to act for fear of legal retaliation.<br />

Guys like me do not fear other men. We only fear The Man and The System. Few are<br />

now willing to beat a mullet senseless and toss the limp carcass into the gym dumpster or<br />

out onto the parking lot as an ominous symbol for other mullets, as was once commonly<br />

practiced. In olden times, a mullet ass-whipping was our way of saying, “Danger! Little<br />

People! Danger! Stay Away!”<br />

Now real men are even afraid to speak nasty talk to a mullet on account of Hate Speech<br />

For complete information on Marty Gallagher’s The Purposeful Primitive, or to<br />

purchase the physical book, visit http://www.dragondoor.com/b37.html now

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