NAked Warrior - ZANDERBILT

NAked Warrior - ZANDERBILT

NAked Warrior - ZANDERBILT


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T H E P U R P O S E F U L P R I M I T I V E<br />

For 45 years I’ve been in hot pursuit of those methods and modes that trigger physical<br />

transformation. I have come to the conclusion that the finest methods for triggering true<br />

transformations are based on modified versions of those ancient, purposefully primitive<br />

ultra-basic modes of training and eating I first stumbled upon four decades ago.<br />

People nowadays chase their metaphorical tails in feverish pursuit of change, using fragmented<br />

and ineffectual methods. There are just too many choices and too many slick marketers<br />

with silky smooth raps that they relate with great conviction. They tell the gullible<br />

with pompous profundity that they have discovered a secret method. They disguise fallacious<br />

facts with absurd pseudo science and are seductive and persuasive.<br />

People run in crazed circles all around the fitness Mulberry Bush, chasing one exotic<br />

mode, method, procedure or product after another. They all seek the mythical magic bullet<br />

of fitness: a method or mode that will enable them to effect a transformation without the<br />

disciplined deprivation, without the teeth-grinding physical effort, without the struggle.<br />

Life is struggle. I love what my Purposefully Primitive brother-in-arms, Ori Hofmekler says,<br />

“Life in paradise should be rugged!” We are primordially programmed for struggle yet we<br />

seek to avoid struggle at all cost. Struggle is the precursor to true transformation: without<br />

struggle there is no transformation.<br />

45 years later and so many of those ancient adolescent epiphanies still ring true and still<br />

strike me as profound. Basic barbell and dumbbell exercises done with incredible intensity<br />

then backed up with lots of calories result in the construction of new muscle. If you are<br />

selective about the ample calories you eat, if you practice periodic cardiovascular exercise,<br />

stored body fat is mobilized and oxidized. If eating and training are perfectly attuned to<br />

one another, synergy takes hold and results are dramatically accelerated.<br />

Significant change without significant struggle is a fitness myth perpetuated by people<br />

looking to sell you products. When I thought about writing this book, I posed myself a<br />

question: how simple could the transformational process be made without losing effectiveness?<br />

What would you need? How little could you get by with, in terms of tools, time, and<br />

effort? The answer was you would need a barbell and food from the grocery store. No need<br />

for personal trainers; no need for a gym membership; no need for a treadmill; no need for<br />

miracle devices or magic bullet products. You need a few tools, some regular food and a<br />

plan. I can provide the plan.<br />

For complete information on Marty Gallagher’s The Purposeful Primitive, or to<br />

purchase the physical book, visit http://www.dragondoor.com/b37.html now

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