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ERS International Congress 2016<br />


SUNDAY 04 SEPTEMBER, 2016<br />

Aims : Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a progressive disease of unknown aetiology that associates with high mortality. The<br />

treatment options are limited. The two most common comorbidities that associate with IPF are emphysema and pulmonary hypertension<br />

(PH). Both worsen the prognosis of IPF. The prevalence of combined pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema (CPFE) may be as high as 35%<br />

(Cottin 2013). PH in IPF has not been extensively studied but its reported incidence ranges from 32% to 84% (Lettieri et al., 2006 and<br />

Nadrous et al., 2005). These comorbidites in IPF are a major challenge for both physicians and scientists. The treatment options are<br />

limited, largely because of the lack of understanding of the underlying pathophysiology. Moreover, clinical guidelines that recommend<br />

how to treat these comorbidities in IPF are lacking. A session where the perspectives of scientists and physicians on comorbidities in IPF<br />

can be discussed has not been organised previously. We hope that the present session will further our understanding of the pathogenetic<br />

pathways that underlie the deleterious effects of comorbidities in IPF and will help to optimise the management of patients with IPF and<br />

comorbidities.<br />

Tag(s) : Translational<br />

Target audience : Clinician, Fellow, General practitioner, Junior member, Occupational therapist, Patient, Pulmonologist, Researcher,<br />

Resident, Respiratory physician, Scientist, Trainee<br />

Chairs : Christian M. Kähler (Wangen im Allgäu, Germany), Athol Wells (London, United Kingdom)<br />

14:45<br />

15:15<br />

15:45<br />

The celullar and molecular basis<br />

Oliver Eickelberg (Munich, Germany)<br />

Genetic and environmental factors of IPF<br />

Ivana V. Yang (Denver, United States of America)<br />

Emphysema in IPF<br />

Vincent Cottin (Lyon, France)<br />

1475<br />

1476<br />

1477<br />

16:15<br />

Pulmonary hypertension and IPF<br />

Soni Savai Pullamsetti (Bad Nauheim, Germany)<br />

Platinum Room 3+4 Session 241 14:45 - 16:45<br />

Oral Presentation: Molecular pathways of smoking-induced diseases<br />

Chairs : Ian M. Adcock (London, United Kingdom), Hiroo Wada (Tokyo, Japan)<br />

1478<br />

OA1479<br />

OA1480<br />

OA1481<br />

OA1482<br />

OA1483<br />

OA1484<br />

OA1485<br />

OA1486<br />

LATE-BREAKING ABSTRACT: Activity limitation and exacerbations in smokers with emphysema on CT but<br />

preserved pulmonary function. SPIROMICS<br />

Christian Lo Cascio (New York, United States of America), Christian Lo Cascio, Eugene Bleecker, Stephanie Christenson,<br />

David Couper, Jeffrey Curtis, Nadia Hansel, Eric Hoffman, Richard Kaner, Eric Kleerup, Stephen Lazarus, Fernando<br />

Martinez, Robert Paine, Stephen Rennard, Russ Bowler, Jerry Krishnan, Mark Dransfield, Alejandro Comellas, Donald<br />

Tashkin, MeiLan Han, Prescott Woodruff, R. Graham Barr<br />

Reduced phagocytic capacity of blood monocyte/macrophages in tuberculosis patients is further reduced by smoking<br />

Esmaeil Mortaz (Utrecht, Netherlands), Mahshid Aryanpur, Esmaeil Mortaz, Mohammad Reza MasjedI, Seyed Mohammad<br />

Reza Aryan, Payam Tabarsi, Johan Garssen, Ian M. Adcock<br />

Cigarette smoking in patients newly-diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis<br />

Mahshid Aryanpur (Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran), Mahshid Aryanpur, Mohammad Reza Masjedi, Esmaeil Mortaz,<br />

Zahra Hessami, Mohammad Reza Aryan, Gholamreza Heydari, Mostafa Hossei, Hooman Sharifi, Masoud Baikpour, Payam<br />

Tabarsi<br />

Relationship between cigarette (nicotine) addiction and dopamine receptor D2 gene variants (TaqlA and -141C Ins/<br />

Del)<br />

Mehmet Atilla Uysal (?STANBUL, Turkey), Ulgen Sever, Mehmet Atilla Uysal, Yedikule Smoking Cessation Study<br />

Group, Sacide Pehlivan<br />

The neurogenic inflammation markers in rat’s brain in experimental smoking<br />

Vera Nevzorova (Vladivostok, Primorsky Krai, Russian Federation), Vera Nevzorova, Natalia Zakharchuk, Elena Gonchar<br />

The impact of acute smoke exposure on selected biomarkers in exhaled breath condensate in COPD patients and<br />

healthy smokers<br />

Marta Maskey-Warzechowska (Warsaw, Poland), Marta Maskey-Warzechowska, Patrycja Nejman-Gryz, Katarzyna Osinka,<br />

Paulina Lis, Kamila Malesa, Katarzyna Gorska, Rafal Krenke<br />

Analysis of CYP2A6 and CYP2A13 genes using new generation sequencing method in smokers and non-smokers.<br />

Mehmet Atilla Uysal (?STANBUL, Turkey), Sacide Pehlivan, Mehmet Atilla Uysal, Tülin Çagatay, Cigdem Keklik Cinar,<br />

Feyza Erkan, Ulgen Sever, Zuleyha Bingol, Mustafa Pehlivan, Yedikule Smoking Cessation Study Group, Sadrettin Pençe<br />

The dopamine receptor D4 VNTR 48bp gene variant in nicotine addiction<br />

Mehmet Atilla Uysal (?STANBUL, Turkey), Mehmet Atilla Uysal, Ulgen Sever, Smoking Cessation Study Group, Sacide<br />

Pehlivan<br />

103 26.08.2016

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