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upon, an ill-omened spectacle; sordid, ungenerous, full of envy and<br />

evil will. When this Minister saw the King place the physician near him<br />

and give him all these gifts, he jaloused him and planned to do him a<br />

harm, as in the saying on such subject, “Envy lurks in every body;” and<br />

the saying, “Oppression hideth in every heart: power revealeth it and<br />

weakness concealeth it.” Then the Minister came before the King and,<br />

kissing the ground between his hands, said, “O King of the age and of<br />

all time, thou in whose benefits I have grown to manhood, I have<br />

weighty advice to offer thee, and if I withhold it I were a son of<br />

adultery and no true-born man; wherefore an thou order me to disclose<br />

it I will so do forthwith.”<br />

Quoth the King (and he was troubled at the words of the Minister),<br />

“And what is this counsel of thine?” Quoth he, “O glorious monarch,<br />

the wise of old have said: — Whoso regardeth not the end, hath not<br />

Fortune to friend; and indeed I have lately seen the King on far other<br />

than the right way; for he lavisheth largesse on his enemy, on one<br />

whose object is the decline and fall of his kingship: to this man he hath<br />

shown favour, honouring him with over honour and making of him an<br />

intimate. Wherefore I fear for the King’s life.”<br />

The King, who was much troubled and changed colour, asked,<br />

“Whom dost thou suspect and anent whom doest thou hint?” and the<br />

Minister answered, “O King, an thou be asleep, wake up! I point to the<br />

physician Duban.”<br />

Rejoined the King, “Fie upon thee! This is a true friend who is<br />

favoured by me above all men, because he cured me with something<br />

which I held in my hand, and he healed my leprosy which had baffled<br />

all physicians; indeed he is one whose like may not be found in these<br />

days — no, not in the whole world from furthest east to utmost west!<br />

And it is of such a man thou sayest such hard sayings. Now from<br />


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