Registration Document - Pernod Ricard

Registration Document - Pernod Ricard

Registration Document - Pernod Ricard


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6 Statutory<br />

178<br />


Auditors’ Report on the issue of shares or securities granting access to the share capital<br />

with cancellation of preferential subscription rights reserved for members of employee savings plans<br />

Statutory Auditors’ Report on<br />

the issue of shares or securities<br />

granting access to the share capital<br />

with cancellation of preferential<br />

subscription rights reserved for<br />

members of employee savings plans<br />

Combined Annual<br />

Shareholders’ Meeting<br />

on 2 November 2009<br />

25th resolution<br />

Dear Shareholders,<br />

As Statutory Auditors to <strong>Pernod</strong> <strong>Ricard</strong> and in accordance with the<br />

mission provided for by articles L. 225-135 et seq. and L. 228-92 of<br />

the French Commercial Code, we hereby present our report on the<br />

proposed delegation of authority to the Board of Directors in order<br />

to carry out one or several share capital increases by issuing shares<br />

or securities granting a right to share capital in the Company, with<br />

cancellation of preferential subscription rights, reserved for members<br />

of the employee savings plans, a transaction which you are called on<br />

to approve.<br />

This transaction could result in a capital increase of a maximum<br />

nominal amount of 2% of the C ompany’s capital after this<br />

Shareholders’ Meeting, it being specified that the nominal amount<br />

of the capital increase carried out in accordance with this delegation<br />

will be deducted from the maximum limit set in the 16th and 17th<br />

resolutions.<br />

This share capital increase is submitted for your approval in<br />

accordance with articles L. 225-129-6 of the French Commercial Code<br />

and L. 3332-18 to L. 3332-24 of the French Labour Code.<br />

On the basis of its report, your Board of Directors proposes that, for<br />

a period of twenty-six months and with a possibility for it to further<br />


Neuilly-sur-Seine and Courbevoie, 3 September 2009<br />

The Statutory Auditors<br />

sub-delegate, you delegate it the authority to carry out one or several<br />

issues of shares or of securities granting access to the share capital<br />

and that you waive your preferential subscription rights. If necessary,<br />

it will be for the Board of Directors to set the definitive issue conditions<br />

for this transaction.<br />

It is the Board of Director’s duty to prepare a report in accordance<br />

with articles R. 225-113, R. 225-114 and R. 225-117 of the French<br />

Commercial Code. Our role is to report to you on the fairness of the<br />

financial information extracted from the financial statements, on the<br />

proposal to cancel the preferential subscription rights and on certain<br />

other information concerning the issue stated in this report.<br />

We conducted the procedures that we considered necessary in<br />

accordance with the professional standards of the French Institute of<br />

Statutory Auditors (CNCC) relating to this mission. These procedures<br />

involved verifying the content of the report prepared by the Board of<br />

Directors in respect of this transaction and the manner in which the<br />

issue price for the shares to be issued is determined.<br />

Subject to reviewing at a future date the conditions of any issue of<br />

shares or securities that may be decided upon, we have no matters to<br />

report on the manner of determining the issue price of the capital to<br />

be issued set out in the Board of Directors’ report.<br />

As the issue price has not been set, we have no opinion to give on the<br />

final conditions of the capital increase and, as a result, on the proposal<br />

made to you to cancel your preferential subscription rights.<br />

Pursuant to article R. 225-116 of the French Commercial Code, we will<br />

prepare an additional report, if required, at such time as your Board of<br />

Directors makes use of this authorisation.<br />

Deloitte & Associés Mazars<br />

Alain Penanguer Loïc Wallaert<br />


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