Registration Document - Pernod Ricard

Registration Document - Pernod Ricard

Registration Document - Pernod Ricard


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Entitlement to dividends –<br />

Entitlement to share<br />

in the issuer’s earnings<br />

Net earnings are comprised of the Company’s income as derived from<br />

the income statement after deduction of overheads and any other<br />

social contributions, depreciation of assets, and all provisions for<br />

commercial or industrial contingencies, if any.<br />

From the net earnings, reduced when necessary by prior losses, at<br />

least 5% is withheld for transfer to the legal reserve. The deduction is<br />

no longer mandatory when the legal reserve reaches an amount equal<br />

to one tenth of the share capital. It once again becomes mandatory in<br />

the event where, for any reason whatsoever, this reserve falls below<br />

one tenth.<br />

From the distributable earnings, as determined by law, the amount<br />

required to pay an initial dividend of 6% of the fully paid-up,<br />

unredeemed value of the shares is deducted, subject to the possibility<br />

that the Board of Directors authorise shareholders who request to do<br />

so to pay up their shares in advance, where the payments made cannot<br />

give rise to entitlement to the aforementioned initial dividend.<br />

This initial dividend is not cumulative, i.e. if earnings for the financial<br />

year are not sufficient to make this payment or are only sufficient<br />

to make the payment in part, the shareholders cannot claim this on<br />

earnings for the following financial year.<br />

From the available surplus, the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting may<br />

decide to deduct all amounts it considers appropriate, either to be<br />

carried forward to the following financial year or to be transferred<br />

to extraordinary or special reserves, with or without special<br />

allocations.<br />

The balance is distributed among shareholders as an additional<br />

dividend.<br />

The Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting is authorised to deduct from<br />

non-statutory reserves set up in prior years any amounts that it<br />

considers should be:<br />

◆ either distributed to the shareholders or allocated to total or partial<br />

depreciation of the shares;<br />

◆ capitalised or used for the repurchase and cancellation of shares.<br />

Wholly depreciated shares are replaced by dividend right certificates<br />

granting the same rights as the existing shares, with the exception of<br />

entitlement to the initial statutory dividend and capital repayment.<br />

Dividend payment terms and conditions are fixed by the Ordinary<br />

Shareholder’s Meeting or by default by the Board of Directors within<br />

the maximum period set by law.<br />

In deliberating on the financial statements for the financial year,<br />

the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting has the option to grant each<br />

shareholder the choice between a cash or stock dividend, for all or<br />

part of a dividend or interim dividend payment.<br />

Dividends must be paid within a maximum of nine months following<br />

year end. This period may be extended by court ruling. Dividends will<br />

be transferred to the French State within the legal period, i.e. five<br />

years.<br />


Information about <strong>Pernod</strong> <strong>Ricard</strong><br />

Changes in the share<br />

capital and the rights<br />

attached to shares<br />

Any changes in the share capital or the voting rights attached to the<br />

shares making up the share capital shall be governed by the standard<br />

legal provisions as the bylaws do not contain any specific provisions<br />

in this respect.<br />

Shareholders’ Meetings<br />

The shareholders meet every year at an Ordinary Shareholders’<br />

Meeting.<br />

Notice to attend Meetings<br />

Both Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meetings are called,<br />

held and vote in accordance with the conditions provided for by law.<br />

They are held at the Company’s head office or in any other place stated<br />

in the notice of the Meeting.<br />

Decisions by the shareholders are taken at Ordinary, Extraordinary<br />

or Combined (Ordinary and Extraordinary) Shareholders’ Meetings<br />

depending on the nature of the resolutions they are being asked to<br />

adopt.<br />

Participation in Shareholders’ Meetings<br />

All shareholders have the right to attend the Company’s Shareholders’<br />

Meetings and to participate in the deliberations, either personally<br />

or through a proxy, regardless of the number of shares they hold. In<br />

order for a shareholder to have the right to participate in Ordinary or<br />

Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meetings, the shares must be entered<br />

in the name of the shareholder or in the name of the financial<br />

intermediary acting on the shareholder’s behalf at zero hours<br />

(Paris time) three business days prior to the Shareholders’ Meeting<br />

either in the registered share accounts kept by the Company, or in the<br />

bearer share accounts kept by the authorised financial intermediary.<br />

The entry or recording of the shares in bearer share accounts kept<br />

by the authorised financial intermediary shall be acknowledged via<br />

a certificate of participation issued by the financial intermediary<br />

attached as an appendix to a postal voting form or proxy form or<br />

to the application for an admission card made out in the name of<br />

the shareholder or on behalf of the shareholder represented by the<br />

registered financial intermediary. A shareholder wishing to attend<br />

the Shareholders’ Meeting in person who has not received his<br />

admission card by zero hours (Paris time) three business days before<br />

the Shareholders’ Meeting may also ask for such a certificate to be<br />

drawn up.<br />

If a shareholder does not attend the Shareholders’ Meeting in person,<br />

he may choose one of three possible options:<br />

◆ grant a proxy in writing to another shareholder or to his/her<br />

spouse;<br />

◆ cast a postal vote;<br />

◆ send a proxy form to the Company without giving details of the<br />

proxy, under the conditions provided for by the laws and regulations<br />

in force.<br />

Where a shareholder has already cast a postal vote, sent in a proxy<br />

form or applied for an admission card or a certificate of participation,<br />

he/she may not thereafter choose another method of participating in<br />

the Shareholders’ Meeting.<br />


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