Registration Document - Pernod Ricard

Registration Document - Pernod Ricard

Registration Document - Pernod Ricard


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7 Information<br />

182<br />


about <strong>Pernod</strong> <strong>Ricard</strong><br />

A shareholder who has already cast a postal vote, sent in a proxy<br />

form or applied for an admission card or a certificate of participation<br />

may sell all or some of his shares at any time. However, if the sale<br />

takes place before zero hours (Paris time) on the third business day<br />

prior to the Shareholders’ Meeting, the Company shall invalidate or<br />

modify accordingly, as appropriate, the postal vote cast, proxy form,<br />

admission card or the certificate of participation. For this purpose,<br />

the authorised financial intermediary in charge of the shareholder’s<br />

account shall inform the Company or its duly authorised agent of the<br />

sale and shall provide it with the necessary information.<br />

No sale or other form of transaction carried out after zero hours<br />

(Paris time) on the third business day prior to the Shareholders’<br />

Meeting, regardless of the means used, shall be notified by the<br />

authorised financial intermediary or taken into consideration by the<br />

Company, notwithstanding any agreement to the contrary.<br />

Voting conditions<br />

The voting right attached to the shares is proportional to the share<br />

capital they represent. Each share grants the right to one vote (article<br />

L. 225-122 of the French Commercial Code).<br />

Restrictions on voting rights<br />

However, each member of the Shareholders’ Meeting shall have as<br />

many votes as shares he/she possesses and represents, up to 30% of<br />

the total voting rights.<br />

Multiple voting rights<br />

A voting right double that granted to other shares, in light of the<br />

fraction of the authorised share capital they represent, is granted to<br />

all fully paid-up shares that can be shown to have been registered for<br />

at least 10 years in the name of the same shareholder and commencing<br />

on 12 May 1986 inclusive (article L. 225-123 of the French Commercial<br />

Code).<br />

In the event of a share capital increase through the capitalisation of<br />

reserves, earnings or share premiums, registered shares allocated as<br />

bonus shares to a shareholder, on the basis of existing shares for which<br />

he/she benefits from this right, shall also have double voting rights<br />

as from their issuance (article L. 225-123 of the French Commercial<br />

Code).<br />

Any share loses the double voting right if converted into bearer form<br />

or if its ownership is transferred. Nevertheless, transfer following<br />

succession or the liquidation of assets between spouses and inter<br />

vivo donation to a spouse or relation close enough to inherit will<br />

not result in the loss of the acquired right and will not interrupt the<br />

aforementioned 10-year period.<br />

Declaration of statutory thresholds<br />

Any individual or corporate body acquiring a shareholding greater<br />

than 0.5% of the share capital must inform the Company of the<br />

total number of shares held by registered letter, with return receipt<br />

requested, within a period of 15 days from the date on which this<br />

threshold is exceeded. This notification must be repeated, under the<br />

same conditions, each time the threshold is exceeded by an additional<br />

0.5%, up to 4.5% inclusive.<br />

In the event of non-compliance with the obligation mentioned in the<br />

previous paragraph, shares in excess of the non-declared amount<br />

shall be deprived of voting rights, at the request, as set forth in the<br />

minutes of the Shareholders’ Meeting, of one or more shareholders<br />

holding at least 5% of the share capital, for any Shareholders’ Meeting<br />

held until the expiry of the period stipulated in article L. 233-14 of the<br />

French Commercial Code following the date when the notification is<br />

made.<br />


Modification of shareholders’<br />

rights<br />

The Extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders has the power to modify<br />

shareholders’ rights, under the conditions defined by law.<br />

Items likely to have<br />

an impact in the event<br />

of a public offer<br />

Pursuant to article L. 225-100-3 of the French Commercial Code,<br />

the items that may have an impact in the event of public offer are as<br />

follows.<br />

The Company’s share capital structure<br />

The Company’s share capital structure is indicated in the “Breakdown<br />

of share capital and voting rights as of 30 June 2009” paragraph in<br />

the section entitled “Information on the capital” of this r eference<br />

d ocument.<br />

The crossings of thresholds declared during the 2008/2009 financial<br />

year are indicated in the “Crossing of thresholds” paragraph in this<br />

section.<br />

Statutory restrictions on the exercise<br />

of voting rights and double voting rights<br />

The Company’s bylaws provide for a limit on voting rights. This<br />

system is described under “Voting Conditions” in the section entitled<br />

“Information about <strong>Pernod</strong> <strong>Ricard</strong> ” in this document.<br />

Furthermore, certain Company shares have a double voting right<br />

as described under “Voting Conditions” in the section entitled<br />

“Information about <strong>Pernod</strong> <strong>Ricard</strong> ” in this document.<br />

Agreements between shareholders<br />

of which the Company has knowledge<br />

The Company’s Shareholders’ Agreement between shareholders of<br />

the Company (agreement between Mr. Rafaë l Gonzalez -Gallarza and<br />

Société Paul <strong>Ricard</strong> SA (<strong>Ricard</strong> family holding company) is described<br />

under “Shareholders agreements” in the section entitled “Information<br />

about share capital” of this document and is also included on the AMF<br />

website (www.amf-france.org).<br />

Rules applicable to the appointment<br />

and replacement of members<br />

of the Company’s Board of Directors<br />

The legal and statutory rules established in articles 16 et seq. of<br />

the bylaws govern the appointment and dismissal of members of<br />

the Board of Directors. These are described in the “General rules<br />

concerning the composition of the Board and the appointment of<br />

Directors” paragraph in the “Corporate G overnance and internal<br />

control” section of this document.<br />


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