PR-0552UK Primary Science - Book 2

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Minibeast hunt<br />

Caring for my locality ~ Activity 2<br />

Objective<br />

• observe and develop an<br />

awareness of living things in a<br />

range of habitats in local and<br />

wider environments<br />

Working scientifically<br />

• Questioning<br />

• Observing<br />

• Predicting<br />

• Investigating and experimenting<br />

• Recording and communicating<br />

Designing and making<br />

• Exploring<br />

• Making<br />

Background information<br />

The purpose of this topic is to<br />

use a small animal or insect<br />

to develop observation and<br />

experimenting skills in the pupils.<br />

The animal selected is secondary in<br />

importance; however, the following<br />

guidelines should be adhered to<br />

and made clear to pupils.<br />

(i) All care should be taken when<br />

observing and collecting<br />

minibeasts.<br />

(ii) If minibeasts are to be collected,<br />

suitable storage should be used<br />

and the minibeasts released as<br />

soon as activities are complete.<br />

(iii) Collect only enough minibeasts<br />

as required.<br />

(iv) Some insects can sting. Avoid<br />

direct contact at all times.<br />

Minibeasts suitable for this topic<br />

include worms, slugs, snails,<br />

woodlice, grasshoppers, beetles,<br />

flies, caterpillars, butterflies.<br />

Before the lesson<br />

Materials needed<br />

• Jars with lids, nets, clipboards, notepaper, reference materials for use in<br />

identifying minibeasts.<br />

Preparation<br />

• Identify suitable locations in the school environment to collect and observe a<br />

variety of minibeasts.<br />

• Organise pupils in groups.<br />

The lesson<br />

Stimulus<br />

• Explain to pupils that the lesson will entail going on a ‘hunt’ to observe and<br />

collect a variety of minibeasts. Discuss with the pupils the definition of minibeasts<br />

and explain clearly their correct treatment.<br />

What to do<br />

• Review the worksheet so pupils are aware of the recording needed. During the<br />

hunt, notes and diagrams should be recorded on notepaper.<br />

• Have pupils go to an allocated area and observe and collect two different<br />

minibeasts.<br />

• Each group returns to class and completes the worksheet, transferring notes<br />

and drawing a picture.<br />

• Discuss the findings and observations of each group. Identify minibeasts collected<br />

and decide if it is possible to keep the insects for further observation or whether<br />

they should be returned to the environment.<br />

After the lesson<br />

Answers<br />

• Teacher check<br />

Additional activities<br />

• Classify the different minibeasts into categories based on shape, size, movement,<br />

colour etc.<br />

• Build adequate shelters for selected minibeasts.<br />

Viewing Sample<br />

Display ideas<br />

• Take photographs of pupils ‘hunting’ and observing minibeasts. Display the<br />

completed worksheets with the photographs and a caption written by the<br />

pupils.<br />

102 <strong>PR</strong>IMARY SCIENCE ~ Prim-Ed Publishing ~ www.prim-ed.com

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