Tasmanian Business Reporter September 2018
Welcome to the September edition of the Tasmanian Business Reporter. After a crazy week in Federal politics, this month you'll read about the Tasmanian Chamber of Commerce's request to new Prime Minister Scott Morrison for action on more than $133 million of promises made to Braddon in July's by-election. You'll also find details of Tasmania's construction boom, which is predicted to continue for the foreseeable future, the launch of I-PREP, a University of Tasmania program set to align businesses with talented international students and a powerful column from TCCI Chair Susan Parr reinforcing the Chamber's call for local council amalgamation.
Welcome to the September edition of the Tasmanian Business Reporter.
After a crazy week in Federal politics, this month you'll read about the Tasmanian Chamber of Commerce's request to new Prime Minister Scott Morrison for action on more than $133 million of promises made to Braddon in July's by-election.
You'll also find details of Tasmania's construction boom, which is predicted to continue for the foreseeable future, the launch of I-PREP, a University of Tasmania program set to align businesses with talented international students and a powerful column from TCCI Chair Susan Parr reinforcing the Chamber's call for local council amalgamation.
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<strong>Tasmanian</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>Reporter</strong> - SEPTEMBER <strong>2018</strong> 11<br />
Nan Zhao of Sultan Holdings, left, with<br />
Dr Damien Stringer of Marinova.<br />
Maree Lewis, left, and Frances D’Alessandro<br />
of Hobart City Council and Justin Clifford<br />
from the Department of Home Affairs.<br />
Tom O’Meara of <strong>Tasmanian</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>Reporter</strong>,<br />
left, Leila Daniels, I-PREP Project Manager and<br />
Adrian Pursell of the Australian Marketing<br />
Institute.<br />
What: University of Tasmania<br />
I-PREP launch<br />
Where: IMAS Waterfront Building,<br />
Salamanca<br />
When: Tuesday, August 14, <strong>2018</strong><br />
Marcus Di Martino of Calvary, left, Alayne Baker of<br />
Veolia and Briarna Hen of Houston’s Farm.<br />
Rebecca Hua, left, and Kim Evans of the<br />
Department of State Growth, Rob Wilson of UTAS<br />
and James Holden from the Department of<br />
State Growth.<br />
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your staff to undertake study, visit utas.edu.au/college or<br />
phone 1300 363 864.<br />
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