TỰ HỌC ĐỘT PHÁ NGỮ PHÁP TIẾNG ANH - Dương Hương - File word (429 trang)




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107. She was made to finish the report before going home.<br />

The boss made her _______________________________________________ .<br />

108. The last time she arrived here was 6 years ago.<br />

It ____________________________________________________________ .<br />

109. He prefers drinking tea to coffee<br />

He'd rather _____________________________________________________ .<br />

110. The bike still needs repairing.<br />

The bike hasn't _________________________________________________ .<br />

111. Those houses are beautiful.<br />

How __________________________________________________________ .<br />

112. Nam and I have never been there before.<br />

Neither _______________________________________________________ .<br />

113. We will go swimming if it is sunny.<br />

Unless ________________________________________________________ .<br />

114. The final match was put off because of the bad weather.<br />

Because the ____________________________________________________ .<br />

115. Nam is not old enough to be in my class.<br />

Nam is too _____________________________________________________ .<br />

116. The boss made all the employees work at the weekend.<br />

All the employees _______________________________________________ .<br />

117. He cannot be blamed for the accident in any way.<br />

In ____________________________________________________________ .<br />

118. Her jealousy increases with her love for him.<br />

The more ______________________________________________________ .<br />

119. Most students ignored what the professor was saying.<br />

Few __________________________________________________________ .<br />

120. He can't afford to buy the car.<br />

The car _______________________________________________________ .

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