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FR AB - Science Reference

FR AB - Science Reference


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P29-M<br />

Protein/DNA technology DSL version 2000 is a set of shareware<br />

protocols for sample and data management.<br />

J. Medalle, M. Randesi, B. Imai; Rockefeller Univ., 1230 York Ave.,<br />

Box 105, New York, NY 10021<br />

Physical sample and data management are major concerns for a DNA<br />

sequencing core facility. Especially one with a small staff and limited space<br />

are affected the most. Samples can overtake the limited freezer space. Paper<br />

trail can overfill office and lab spaces. Both can cause a quick turnover of<br />

DNA sequencing staff. DNA Sequencing Lab’s (DSL) version 2000 objectives<br />

are to alleviate repetitive computer tasks for DNA Sequencing staff and eliminate<br />

physical paper trail. DSL 2000 is a set of protocols for sample and data<br />

management. Its major components are comprised of online submittal forms<br />

at http://protein13-pc.rockefeller.edu/, scripts from Apple Script, and standardized<br />

forms and macros from Microsoft Excel 98, and Outlook Express 5.<br />

The DSL funnels the online sample submissions into sample statements for<br />

each investigator. This is a file containing sample IDs, names, account numbers,<br />

primer info, template info, etc. DSL also transforms the web submissions<br />

into logs for prep and for slab or capillary sequencing reactions. These logs<br />

direct the staff on how to process incoming samples. The set of protocols<br />

streamlines the sample flow from the investigator to the machine as well as<br />

the data flow from machine back to the investigator. DSL’s protocols are<br />

“hands on” to help the staff create e-mails for investigator notifications and<br />

“a click of a button” to compress and to transfer investigator’s sample statements<br />

or data files into their web account. DSL 2000 is a freeware application<br />

and can be integrated into other small core facilities with a limited budget.<br />

P31-S<br />

The analysis of complex tryptic peptide mixtures by multidimensional<br />

LC-MS/MS on a hybrid quadrupole orthogonal<br />

acceleration time-of flight (Q-TOF) mass spectrometer.<br />

A. Millar1, C. Hughes1, T. Andresson2, T. Hemesath2, J.I. Langridge1; 1Micromass UK Ltd., Floats Road, Wythenshawe, Manchester M23 9LZ,<br />

United Kingdom, 2deCODE genetics Inc., Reykjavik<br />

Advances in both HPLC and mass spectrometry instrumentation have allowed<br />

the analysis of protein complexes which have not been separated on a two<br />

dimensional gel. These experiments involve separation of the complex digest<br />

mixture by microcapillary liquid chromatography connected to an instrument<br />

capable of data directed switching between the MS and MS/MS modes. Protein<br />

identification is then achieved via databank searching of the ESI-MS/MS,<br />

providing qualitative information on the proteins that are present. Hundreds<br />

of MS/MS spectra can be acquired in a fully automated fashion, resulting in<br />

the identification of significant numbers of proteins, including low copy<br />

number proteins, from a single LC-MS/MS experiment1. If, however, a complex protein mixture is to be investigated then a fractionation<br />

step prior to separation of the peptides on the basis of their hydrophobicity<br />

is advantageous. We have, therefore, adopted a 2D LC-MS/MS approach<br />

using a capillary LC system (CapLC) operating at nanoliter per min<br />

flow rates coupled to a Q-Tof 2 mass spectrometer. By placing a strong cation<br />

exchange (SCX) cartridge followed by a C18 trap cartridge it is possible to<br />

pre-fractionate the peptides before separation on an analytical C18 column.<br />

After loading the sample, discreet fractions are sequentially eluted from the<br />

cation exchange cartridge using a salt step gradient; the eluted peptides are<br />

then retained on the trapping C18 cartridge whilst they are desalted. Finally<br />

the peptides are eluted from the C18 pre-column, at 200 nL/min, onto a 75<br />

�M ID � 10 cm Waters Symmetry analytical column for separation and elution<br />

into the mass spectrometer.<br />

This analytical approach will be discussed with examples where this methodology<br />

has been used for the analysis of standard protein mixtures and for the<br />

analysis of cell lysates and sub-cellular fractions.<br />

1. Yates et al., Nature Biotechnology (1999);17, (7), 676–682.<br />

POSTER <strong>AB</strong>STRACTS<br />

<strong>AB</strong>RF 2001 <strong>AB</strong>STRACTS<br />

P30-T<br />

A laboratory information management system for a small<br />

DNA sequencing core facility.<br />

M.J. Miller; NCI, NIH, Bldg 37, Rm 3C28, MSC 4255, Bethesda,<br />

MD 20817-4255<br />

The DNA Sequencing MiniCore facility of the NCI’s Division of Basic <strong>Science</strong>s<br />

currently services over 300 investigators. The facility is designed to support<br />

small scale, short-term sequencing. In the past year we ran over 25,000 samples<br />

with an average turnover time of less than one day. While this represents<br />

a 60% increase in samples over the year before, it is still a relatively<br />

modest operation.<br />

Keeping all these users and their data organized, as well as minimizing the<br />

amount of paperwork involved is a major concern. Although several Laboratory<br />

Information Management (LIM) System software packages exist, they<br />

are often too expensive or too inflexible for a small operation such as ours.<br />

I describe here a LIM system built using components of the Microsoft Office<br />

software package. Users enter sample information data into an Internet form<br />

and this data is automatically entered into the database after inspection by<br />

the MiniCore staff. Programs built into the database determine which sample<br />

sets can be run together on the same gel, and what parameters (such as<br />

which virtual filter and which dye/primer set settings) should be used with<br />

each sample. Samples are assigned to a particular gel and the “sample sheet”<br />

for that gel is automatically generated by the database. By keeping track of<br />

when samples are submitted, how many samples there are, and how many<br />

basepairs of read the user requests, the database aids the facility’s operators<br />

in determining sample priority. An email message is automatically sent when<br />

samples have been processed and data deposited in the user’s data-destination<br />

directory. The database also keeps track of charges and automatically<br />

sends this data to the NIH’s accounting system. The facility thus runs in a virtually<br />

“paperless” environment. There are no hardcopy forms to fill out. All<br />

information is maintained by the computer system.<br />

P32-M<br />

Identification of in vivo phosphorylation sites in<br />

Drosophila armadillo by tandem mass spectrometry.<br />

C.S. Raska, R.M. Pope, D. Rubenstein; Univ. of North Carolina at<br />

Chapel Hill, 4 Casabelle Ct, Durham, NC 27713<br />

Phosphorylation is one of the most important reversible modifications of<br />

eukaryotic proteins. Often, proteins which are associated with uncontrolled<br />

cell growth, and ultimately cancer show an anomaly in their phosphorylation/dephosphorylation<br />

pathways. In humans, a protein, �-catenin, plays a<br />

central role in the development, organization, and regulation of epithelial tissues.<br />

Aberrant regulation of �-catenin is associated with malignancies. For<br />

example, alterations in �-catenin gene structure have been identified in colorectal<br />

and breast carcinoma, and in a large number of melanoma cell lines.<br />

Specifically, �-catenin signaling function is constitutively active in many<br />

melanomas due to mutations that remove phosphoresidues at the amino terminus<br />

of the protein. Armadillo, a protein found in Drosophila melanogaster,<br />

is 71% identical to �-catenin at the amino acid level. �-catenin from Drosophila<br />

and from human keratinocytes binds to armadillo and �-catenin,<br />

respectively, and this binding has been found to be influenced by phosphorylation.<br />

Thus, we have been using armadillo as a model system to study<br />

�-catenin regulation. To further define the regulatory function of phosphorylation,<br />

we are using mass spectrometry to map post-translationally modified<br />

amino acids in armadillo. Armadillo was isolated by immuno-affinity and<br />

ion exchange chromatography. 1-D SDS-PAGE, and in-gel tryptic digestion<br />

were performed to produce a mass spectral fingerprint on a triple quadrupole<br />

instrument using nanoelectrospray. MS scans confirmed peptides matching<br />

both armadillo and �-catenin from one gel spot. Neutral loss scans<br />

identified potentially phosphorylated peptides. MS/MS generated enough<br />

sequence coverage to specifically identify phosphorylated residues. We note<br />

that phosphoresidues are located within the region where binding sites for<br />

cadherin, dTCF, and dAPC are located. We plan mutation studies to further<br />

elucidate the role of phosphorylation in these systems.<br />


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