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FR AB - Science Reference

FR AB - Science Reference


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<strong>AB</strong>RF 2001 <strong>AB</strong>STRACTS<br />

P49-S<br />

4-(4-Hydroxystyryl)pyridine, a rationally designed negative ion<br />

matrix for MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry.<br />

J.C. Lopez, P.A. Liddell, J.W. Lippert, D.C. Brune; Arizona State Univ.,<br />

PO Box 871604, Tempe, AZ 85287-1604<br />

To date, most matrices for MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry have been discovered<br />

by trial and error experiments, and through broad investigation of<br />

compounds chemically related to known matrix molecules. The most widely<br />

used matrices have been used to analyze proteins and other analytes in the<br />

positive ion mode. We chose to work with negative ion matrices because this<br />

area has received less attention, and because we occasionally analyze samples<br />

for which a good negative ion matrix is required. In this investigation,<br />

we synthesized and studied 4-(4-hydroxystyryl)pyridine. This compound<br />

resembles those derived from 4-hydroxycinnamic acid in having an electronwithdrawing<br />

moiety (in this case a pyridyl group) separated from a 4-hydroxyphenyl<br />

moiety by a vinyl group. In the electronically excited state, charge<br />

density delocalized across the vinyl group onto the pyridyl group will make<br />

the latter more strongly basic, favoring abstraction of protons from both the<br />

analyte and other matrix molecules. Preliminary experiments on Fmoc and<br />

other modified amino acids have shown that this matrix works as well as<br />

3-aminoquinoline, one of the best negative ion matrices reported so far. Further<br />

comparisons involving structurally related matrix molecules are in progress<br />

and will be reported. A characteristic for negative ion matrices is a shift<br />

to longer wavelengths under acidic conditions.<br />

P51-T<br />

Advances in quantitation and identification of proteins using<br />

isotope-coded affinity tags and LC/MS/MS using informationdependent<br />

acquisition.<br />

T.A. Settineri, C.L. Hunter, L. Nuwaysir, A. Patel, A. Tomaney, B. Halpern;<br />

Applied Biosystems, 850 Lincoln Ctre. Dr., Foster City, CA 94404<br />

Recently, Aebersold et al. introduced a method in which proteins are labeled<br />

with an isotope-coded affinity tag (ICAT), digested, and the resulting labeled<br />

peptides separated and analyzed by mass spectrometry. The advantage to<br />

this technique is that the ICAT approach precludes the use of 2D gels while<br />

allowing complete automation of the entire process. In addition, the ICAT<br />

technique is generally applicable and can be applied to the global analysis<br />

of protein expression. In this study we investigate the ICAT approach using<br />

an API-QSTAR (hybrid quadrupole time-of-flight) mass spectrometer fitted<br />

with a nano-electrospray source, ICAT reagents synthesized in-house, and<br />

novel data reduction algorithms to both quantitate protein expression and<br />

identify proteins from MS/MS data acquired by using information dependent<br />

acquisition (IDA)<br />

This approach will be demonstrated for the analysis of proteins arising from<br />

various cell lines including E. coli and Arabidopsis treated in different ways.<br />

After treatment with ICAT reagent and purification, samples are analyzed by<br />

LC/MS/MS using a QSTAR mass spectrometer using information dependent<br />

acquisition (IDA). Two new algorithms developed to identify and quantitate<br />

ICAT expression pairs are applied to the MS scans while a third new algorithm<br />

is applied to the MS/MS data to identify proteins. The first two algorithms<br />

cluster the data based on ICAT fragments, and optimally collapse adjacent<br />

spectra for maximum signal to noise. The third algorithm then identifies<br />

the protein using the MS/MS fragment ion data to perform a database search.<br />

POSTER <strong>AB</strong>STRACTS<br />


P50-M<br />

LC-MS of oligonucleotides using polystyrene supports and<br />

API-TOF mass spectrometry.<br />

D.H. Hawke1, J.S. Nelson2, R. Vinayak2, W. Xiao3, P.J. Oefner3; 1Applied<br />

Biosystems, 850 Lincoln Ctr. Dr., Foster City, CA 94404, 2Applied<br />

Biosystems, 3Stanford Genome Res. Ctr.<br />

Oligonucleotides may be analyzed by either Maldi or electrospray methods<br />

after suitable desalting of samples. Maldi methods are convenient and offer<br />

high-speed analysis, while electrospray methods can be directly coupled to<br />

HPLC separations. A classical application for these methods is oligonucleotide<br />

synthesis, in this case there is usually enough material available that<br />

sensitivity is not a major problem. LCMS (1) is advantagous if UV detection<br />

is required, and desalting is effectively performed on-line. A newer area is<br />

that of genotyping. In this application separation may be required prior to<br />

analysis and current ion-pairing methods have remarkable separating power<br />

for these molecules (2). We have coupled this separation technology to a<br />

high-resolution API-TOF MS system (Mariner) to give both high resolution<br />

separations and high mass accuracy measurements of oligonucleotides and<br />

labeled oligos.<br />

1. Huber C.G., Krajete A., Anal. Chem. (1999), 71:3730–3739.<br />

2. Underhill, P.A., L. Jin, A.A. Lin, S.Q. Mehdi, T. Jenkins, D. Vollrath, R.W.<br />

Davis, L.L. Cavalli-Sforza and P.J. Oefner. Genome Res. (1997), 7:996–1005.<br />

P52-S<br />

High-throughput SNP genotyping by MALDI-TOF MS.<br />

M. Kostrzewa1, T. Fröhlich1, T. Wenzel1, C. Franke1, W. Pusch2, K-O. Kräuter2, Y. Stalgies2; 1Bruker Saxonia Analytik GmbH, Permoserstrasse<br />

15, Leipzig, Saxonia D-04318 Germany, 2Bruker Daltonik GmbH,<br />

Bremen<br />

One of the great challenges of the upcoming postgenomic era is the determination<br />

of sequence variations, in particular single nucleotide polymorphisms<br />

(SNPs). These polymorphisms are believed to have an enormous<br />

impact in diagnosis of diseases, improvement of drugs, and forensic analysis<br />

in future. In contrast to the increasing demand for SNP genotyping, there<br />

is still a lack of highly reliable high-throughput SNP typing techniques.<br />

Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry<br />

(MALDI-TOF MS) is a powerful advanced technology capable of the accurate<br />

and cost-effective typing of many thousands of SNPs per day. The “GOOD<br />

assay”, a novel sample preparation procedure for MALDI-TOF typing of<br />

SNPs was recently presented (Sauer et al., Nucleic Acids Research, methods<br />

online, 2000, 28, e13). This preparation uses sensitivity enhancing, chemical<br />

modifications of the allele specific products. Main advantage of the GOOD<br />

assay over other SNP genotyping preparation methods with MALDI detection<br />

is that this protocol does not require solid phase purification of the products<br />

prior MALDI analysis. SNP typing starts with a PCR encompassing a region<br />

containing a known SNP. Thereafter dNTPs are digested with shrimp alkaline<br />

phosphatase. In the following primer extension reaction using a charge tag<br />

containing extension primer, a conditioned set of ddNTPs and a DNA polymerase<br />

of allele specific products are generated. The 5� part of the extension<br />

primer is removed by an exonuclease. By alkylation the backbone phosphate<br />

groups are neutralised. This results in small singly charged product molecules<br />

which are transferred onto non-protonating matrix on the MALDI target.<br />

Mass spectra of 384 samples were acquired in less than one hour. Allele calling<br />

was performed automatically by the novel genotools SNP manager software,<br />

online during spectra acquisition or offline. The resulting genotypes are<br />

stored in a table in the ASCII format together with a quality asse.

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